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Viruses differ from toxins both in structure and mode of action.

A virus is a complex molecular biological particle containing nucleic acids, several proteins and in many cases lipids; toxins on the other hand, are simple and mostly small molecules (mainly proteins or peptides).

Toxins mostly act by blocking, via direct binding, the function of important proteins and enzymes. Viruses act by actively infecting cells.

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15y ago
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4mo ago

A virus is a microorganism that can infect living cells and reproduce within them, leading to illness; whereas a toxin is a harmful substance produced by living organisms, which can cause harm to cells and tissues when ingested or absorbed. Viruses require host cells to replicate, while toxins can be produced by various organisms independently.

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11y ago

how does a virus differ from other pathogens? Viruses are not capable of reproduction outside a living cell

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There is no Abbreviation of VIRUS. Its an Latin word which means "toxin or poison". Plz search for Virus in google search engine for more details.

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It might or perhaps not. If it was due to a toxin or a virus lab tests will.

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