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A refracting optical telescope uses two lenses, like magnifying glasses, to gather and focus the light carrying the images of the target that's being observed.

The first lens is called the primary lens. It's the larger of two lenses. It's located at the far end of the scope away from the eyepiece where the observer will sight the target. The target's light enters the scope through the primary lens. The Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin USA is the largest refracting telescope. It's primary lens is a tad over 1 meter in diameter.

The eyepiece at the near end is the second lens. It takes that gathered light from the primary lens, and focuses and magnifies it even further.

So whatever the target might be is magnified many times over. First by the larger lens and then again by the smaller eyepiece lens. So, for example, if the primary lens magnifies by 5X and the eyepiece does it by 10X, the overall magnification is 50X. The two multiply.

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Duane Anymouse

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3y ago
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4mo ago

An infrared telescope collects infrared radiation emitted by astronomical objects. It uses specialized detectors sensitive to infrared wavelengths to capture this radiation, which is not visible to the human eye. By studying the infrared light, astronomers can learn more about the temperature, composition, and motion of celestial bodies.

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13y ago

A Reflecting telescope uses a mirror to bend light. And this differs from the more traditional refracting telescope.

To understand how a reflecting telescope works let me first explain the refracting telescope. Did you ever hold a magnifying glass near the ground and watched how it will focus the sunlight into a sharp pinpoint? This is the basic principle of telescopes. They bend light into a pinpoint.

A refracting telescope uses a lens and as light passes through the lens it is focused down to a pinpoint.

A Reflecting telescope, which is what this question is about, uses a mirror to bend the light to a pinpoint. The mirror is made in a parabolic shape which means it is lower in the center much like a bowl. This shape will reflect light into a sharp pinpoint.

In a reflecting telescope this tunnel of light is reflected back up the tube then out the side of the tube by a secondary flat mirror. This is why the eyepiece of a reflecting telescope is on the side and not at the bottom.

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14y ago

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a mid-sized telescope coupled with a high resolution digital camera, bigger but essentially similar to the one on your cell phone. IN fact, the reason why our cell phone cameras have gotten so cheap so quickly is that everything NASA and the Air Force has learned about digital images goes into improving the low-cost cameras on our cell phones.

Once captured to the HST's onboard computers (everything in astronomy, in space on on Earth, is computerized these days), the images are transmitted back to Earth via the TDRS relay satellites.

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10y ago

Exactly the same way that a reflecting light telescope works. A large mirror gathers

the radiation to be studied, and focuses it on the detector where it will be recorded

or observed.

But ...

-- Since the radio waves are at least 10,000 times longer than the light waves,

the radio mirror has to be at least 10,000 times bigger than the light mirror

in order to provide the same "gathering power".

-- A radio detector (receiver) is used at the focal point of a radio telescope,

in place of the light detector (piece of photo film or the astronomer's eye) at

the focal point of the optical telescope.

-- Digital memory or magnetic tape stores the radio signals, in place of the film

or CCD that stores the light signals.

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14y ago

The images are digitized, and the data is transmitted by radio.

Does that sound complicated or mysterious ? Consider this:

You take a picture with your camera-cellphone. Then you push a button, and send the picture

to your friend's phone, where he looks at it and has a good laugh.

You captured an image, which was digitized, and the data was transmitted by radio.

No big deal, right ?

We don't even notice any more what miracles we carry around in our pocket every day.

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14y ago

We use telescopes because some things in the sky are too dim to see, and they enhance our vision.

Types of telescopes (there are 3):

1. telescopes that use lenses
2. telescopes that use mirros
3. telescopes that use a combo of both.

Telescopes that use lenses:

-The lenses bend light. They are called refractors.
-The main lens is its objective.
-Each lens have what are called focal points (the distance from lens to where light is pulled!)
-Refractors lens usually suffer from a problem called chromatic aberration, which is due to the fact that blue light passes through materials differently than red light. In other words, it can spaz out.

Telescopes that use mirrors:

-These kind still use lenses, but it uses mirrors to focus light.
-The primary mirror is the objective mirror.
-Most people use the reflectors rather than the refractors due to the fact that they are normally less expensive.
-Reflectors suffer from spherical abberation, which is on the same lines as chromatic aberration.

Some important stuff about telescopes:

1. Objective size - the larger the main lens, the more light it will gather. Dim images are brightened. There is an equation that tells how much better one telescope gathers light than another one, though I don't know it off-hand.
2. Angular resolution - the ability to see fine detail and small angles, which means the mirrors/lenses have to have very high precision.
3. Magnification - blowing up images so they can look big! This isn't as important, though.

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11y ago

It is not used in telescopes. Mirror reflection (from silvered glass) is used to focus light, but that is not internal reflection. In binoculars, internal reflection is used to bend the light beams, and so make the binoculars shorter and easier to hold, and to correct the inversion of the view.

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10y ago

A Reflecting telescope uses a mirror to bend light. And this differs from the more traditional refracting telescope. To understand how a reflecting telescope works let me first explain the refracting telescope. Did you ever hold a magnifying glass near the ground and watched how it will focus the sunlight into a sharp pinpoint? This is the basic principle of telescopes. They bend light into a pinpoint. A refracting telescope uses a lens and as light passes through the lens it is focused down to a pinpoint. A Reflecting telescope, which is what this question is about, uses a mirror to bend the light to a pinpoint. The mirror is made in a parabolic shape which means it is lower in the center much like a bowl. This shape will reflect light into a sharp pinpoint. In a reflecting telescope this tunnel of light is reflected back up the tube then out the side of the tube by a secondary flat mirror. This is why the eyepiece of a reflecting telescope is on the side and not at the bottom. Its the refracting telescope that bends light it uses lenses and transparent things. A reflecting telescope uses mirrors and reflects light. Using Primary and secondary mirrors.

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11y ago

Light enters at the top of the telescope. It then bounces off the main mirror at the bottom of the telescope's tube, back up to an angled mirror, which reflects the image sideways to an eyepiece. The user looks through the eyepiece to view the reflected image.

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Q: How does a infrared telescope work?
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