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An advancing glacier is like an ice making machine with the output being dropped on a conveyor belt. The ice travels along until the temperature of the surrounding environment stops it from proceeding any further by causing it to melt. When a glacier recedes, the conveyor belt is not switched to "reverse", it just means that the point at which it melts is moving closer to the ice making machine.

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16y ago
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4mo ago

Glaciers recede when the rate of melting and sublimation (ice turning into water vapor) exceeds the rate of accumulation from snowfall. This can be influenced by factors such as rising temperatures, decreased snowfall, or changes in glacier dynamics. As the glacier retreats, it leaves behind exposed rock and moraines.

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10y ago

The biggest cause of glaciers receding is Global Warming. The temperature of the Earth is getting to warm to support this glaciers in their fullest form.

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13y ago

of course heat

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The past tense of "recede" is "receded."

Under what circumstances will the front of a glacier advance?

The front of a glacier will advance when there is a surplus of snow accumulation compared to melt and evaporation at the glacier's terminus. This excess snowfall causes the glacier to flow forward, pushing the front further.

What marks the farthest advance of a glacier?

An extensive pile of till (loose debris & rocks) called an end moraine can build up at the front of the glacier and is typically crescent shaped. Two kinds of end moraines are recognized: terminal and recessional moraines. A terminal moraine is the ridge of till that marks the farthest advance of the glacier before it started to recede. A recessional moraine is one that develops at the front of the receding glacier; a series of recessional moraines mark the path of a retreating glacier.

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I am waiting for the tide to recede.

What is an example of recede in a sentence?

The tide will begin to recede shortly.

What word has the same meaning of recede?

Recede means to move away; if it's recede into the background, you could use "fade."

A sentence with RECEDE in it?

The floodwaters began to recede, revealing the damage left behind.

What is a good sentence for recede?

Recede means to pull back or to withdraw

What is the adjective of recede?

The adjective form of "recede" is "receding."

How can you use the word recede in a sentence?

How can you use the word recede in a sentence?

Does holding mean recede?

It does not. "Recede" means to back off, or draw back.