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A cactus breathes through its stomata. These are little holes on the flesh or skin of the cactus.

Through it's thorns

Cactii breathe through pores in their skin called stomates. These are generally closed during the heat of day to retain moisture and opened during the night to allow respiration to occur.


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9mo ago

Cacti breathe through a process called photosynthesis, where they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Their adaptations, such as their thick, waxy skin and reduced leaf surface, help them conserve water while carrying out this process.

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12y ago

In plants respiraation takes place in the cytoplasm (glycolysis) and mitochondria (Kreb's cycle). The Cactus have both these structures, therefore, respiration in Cactus takes place like other plants. For gaseous exchange these might have developed own adaptations.

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What kind of plants live in the dry climate zones?

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Where is the Cactus Branch Library in Cactus located?

The address of the Cactus Branch Library is: 407 Sherri, Cactus, 79013 M

How to spell cactus?

Cactus is the correct spelling.Some example sentences are:He sat on a cactus yesterday.The cactus is a very prickly plant.This soup has cactus in it.