The acorn or oak nut (seed) gives it's dependence to dispersal agents, because the nut is to heavy for windblown dispersal the Oak tree depends on animals such as Jays and Squirrels, these animals bury pockets of nuts in many areas as food storage, the ones left behind (the animal forgets or looses it's life) germinates and the new life of and Oak Tree begins.
To sprout an apricot seed, first remove any flesh from the seed and wash it clean. Then, dampen a paper towel and wrap the seed in it. Place the wrapped seed in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator for 8-12 weeks. Once the chilling period is over, plant the seed in potting soil, water it regularly, and place it in a sunny spot to germinate.
To grow apricots from seeds, remove the seeds from fresh apricots, wash off any remaining fruit flesh, and let them dry for a few days. Then, plant the seeds in a well-draining soil mix, keep them moist but not waterlogged, and place them in a warm and sunny location. With patience, the seeds will germinate and grow into apricot seedlings.
When a seed begins to grow/sprout it is known as germination.
Dicots and monocots differ based on how many seed-leaves they have. Monocots only sprout one leaf as a seed, whereas dicots sprout two, or possibly more.
It is not recommended to sprout a palm seed in water as it may lead to rotting. Palm seeds are best sprouted in well-draining soil where they can establish a healthy root system.
Apricot seeds contain cyanide which is why they are not sold in the United States.
A sprout is the start of a new plant, usually from a seed.
Just about any seed will sprout with the right conditions.
Chinese Medicine practitioners use apricot seed as a treatment in respiratory diseases, including bronchitis and emphysema.
It would be useful adaptation for a seed to need fire to sprout so that it can be fertilized.
It would be useful adaptation for a seed to need fire to sprout so that it can be fertilized.
squash seeds sprout faster then any other seed
Practitioners of Chinese medicine advise that apricot seed should not be given in combination with the herbs astragalus, skullcap, or kudzu root.
Apricot seed is the small kernel enclosed within the wood-like pit at the center of the apricot fruit.