Lymph nodes are not glands. They are swellings along the lymph vessels that carry tissue fluid back to the heart.
The gland located underneath the arm pit is called the axillary lymph node. It plays a crucial role in filtering and draining lymph fluid from the breast and surrounding areas towards the heart.
There are four parts to this term: "supra", "clavicular", "adeno" and "pathy". "Supra" means above or on top of. "Clavicular" means in reference to the clavicle or collarbone. "Adeno" means gland. "Pathy" means disease of. Putting the terms back together, there is some disease of a gland in the area above your collarbone. My interpretation is that the gland in question is a lymph node, and that it is larger than usual without overt signs of other disease to explain why this lymph node is large. If your doctor isn't worried about it, I wouldn't stress out too much - it could just be a reactive lymph node that is cleaning up after a minor infection or trauma, or a chronic reactive lymph node from when you had an infection down that arm previously.
Afferent lymphatic vessels bring lymph into a lymph node. These vessels help transport lymph, which contains immune cells and waste products, into the node for filtering and processing.
Lymph nodes have efferent lymphatic vessels that drain lymph away from the node. These vessels carry filtered lymph containing immune cells and waste products back into the bloodstream.
Women who are pregnant should inform their doctor before a lymph node biopsy, although pregnancy will not affect the results.
possibly an swollen lymph node possibly an swollen lymph node
A lymph node in the neck might enlarge because an infection near the throat.
What is cervical lymphadenopathy?
swollen gland wthin the breast
No Lymph Nodes are in the neck and nasal area.
In the context of biology or anatomy, a node is a point of connection in a network, such as a junction in a plant stem. On the other hand, a gland is an organ or group of cells that secretes substances for use elsewhere in the body or for elimination as waste.
Please talk to a physician about this.
The supramammary lymph node or gland is located in the udder, in the very upper portion of the udder right next to the body.
Stick your tongue in and out really fast... 5 times.
A lymph node.
If your neck is swollen and under your ears are red and tender, you may have swollen glands. Swollen glands are a result of an enlargement of the lymph nodes.
blood vessel bloodstream heart liver lymph lymph gland lymph node vein vena venation venous blood system venous blood vessel