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try bleach. but be sure to clean it our good before you fill it back up.

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Q: How do you remove slime from the bottom of a vinyl pool?
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How do you remove a fireworks stain from the bottom of a vinyl pool liner?

You can't

How can you remove the slippery slime from a small vinyl pool?

Pool brush and occasional chlorine or water changes so it doesn't grow in the first place

Slick vinyl pool?

Usually this is a cleaning problem that concrete pools do not have. The bacteria that builds up is more aparent in vinyl pools and makes them slick. There are solutions and one is to make sure that you use the "shock" treatment for your pool. Another is to use the proper chlorine additive. The third is surprising, but effective... put some copper in the bottom of the pool. Pennies are effective and will help keep the "slime" from building up. If your pool is small enough, scrub the sides and bottom of the pool with a brush to clean the "slime" off and allow the chemicals to work.

What pool vacuum is better for a vinyl pool?

A vacuum head that has a brush on the bottom - no wheels.

How do you remove sediment from a quick set vinyl pool?

To remove sediment from a vinyl quick set pool you will need a pool vacuum. Move the vacuum very slowly as you work so that it has a chance to catch everything.

What do you do when above ground vinyl pool bottom is thinning out?

You have no choice but to replace the liner

How do you remove iron stains from a vinyl pool cover?

yu lift it up

What product do you use for packing the bottom of an in-ground pool before the vinyl liner goes in?


Remove in ground pool?

Be more specific please- what about removing it? cost? difficulty? What type of pool is it? fiberglass? vinyl liner? concrete?

What is the chemical used to remove minerals from well water added to a new vinyl pool?

You can use Metal Free from Natural Chemistry32oz. for a 20000 gallon pool.

After installing new vinyl in our inground pool we noticed a sink hole 10 by 2 Ft by 4 deep had formed in our pool. We have been told that the bottom was not prepared correctly.?

It was probably just bad luck. but as it turns out that assumption is correct the whole foundation of the pool should be able to support the vinyl.

How do I remove Particles settle to bottom of pool that are too small for filtration to remove?

Vacuum them to waste