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Board up the windows, find a safe place or leave, depending on your situation. Have canned food and bottled water if you stay and hope for the best.

Further information:

Emergency Management Queensland's website offers the following advice for basic action before and during a cyclone:

  • Have a list of emergency phone numbers is an easily accessible position
  • Determine which is the strongest, most secure room in your house
  • Pack an Emergency kit which includes items such as first aid, torch and portable radio with spare batteries, gloves, candles, matches, copies of important documents e.g. birth certificates, essential medications, canned foods
  • Have an evacuation plan ready, including evacuation routes, spare fuel, and listen to Community Service Announcements so you are familiar with what is happening
  • Ensure all garden furniture and loose items outside are secured so they cannot become flying torpedoes
  • Plan ahead of time what will happen with your pets, especially if you cannot take them with you in the event of an evacuation
  • Check your roof condition beforehand, and ensure all loose tiles, iron sheeting, etc is secured and repaired
  • Trim overhanging branches to keep them well away from the house
  • Fill buckets and bath with water in case the drinking water supply is compromised
  • Have sufficient cash on hand for emergencies
  • Tape windows in criss-cross fashion using strong packing tape if you do not have shutters

Once a cyclone hits:

  • Turn off electricity, gas and water, and unplug all appliances
  • Ensure everyone, including pets, are inside
  • Move your family to the strongest room
  • Keep your emergency kit with you at all times
  • Keep listening to the radio for updates
  • If your house begins to break apart, shelter under a really strong table or a mattress
  • During the calm eye, do not venture outdoors. Stay where you are, as the other side of the cyclone is often more intense than before the eye. Wait for the all-clear announced on the radio.

    Click on the link below (Cyclones in the Northern Territory) for full information to guide you through this process.

Before the cyclone season
  • Check with your local council or your building control authority to see if your home has been built to cyclone standards.
  • Check that the walls, roof and eaves of your home are secure.
  • Trim treetops and branches well clear of your home (get council permission).
  • Preferably fit shutters, or at least metal screens, to all glass areas.
  • Clear your property of loose material that could blow about and possibly cause injury or damage during extreme winds.
  • In case of a storm surge/tide warning, or other flooding, know your nearest safe high ground and the safest access route to it.
  • Prepare an emergency kit containing:
    • a portable battery radio, torch and spare batteries;
    • water containers, dried or canned food and a can opener;
    • matches, fuel lamp, portable stove, cooking gear, eating utensils; and
    • a first aid kit and manual, masking tape for windows and waterproof bags.
  • Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on display.
  • Check neighbours, especially if recent arrivals, to make sure they are prepared.
When a cyclone watch is issued
  • Re-check your property for any loose material and tie down (or fill with water) all large, relatively light items such as boats and rubbish bins.
  • Fill vehicles' fuel tanks. Check your emergency kit and fill water containers.
  • Ensure household members know which is the strongest part of the house and what to do in the event of a cyclone warning or an evacuation.
  • Tune to your local radio/TV for further information and warnings.
  • Check that neighbours are aware of the situation and are preparing.
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10y ago
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14y ago

Yo survive a cyclone you have to gather a emergency kit, tape up windows, gather a list of available mobile numbers, stay in a secure place (that is the newest bit of the house), fill up all the buckets, water bottles and bath with water so that you will stay hydrated, gather a large amout of canned food (it has a longer expire date), BRING PETS INSIDE!.

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4mo ago

To prepare for a cyclone, you should create an emergency kit with essential supplies like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit. Stay informed by monitoring weather updates and following evacuation orders if necessary. Secure your property by trimming trees, securing outdoor furniture, and reinforcing windows and doors.

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12y ago

Prepare a flashlight, and battery-powered radio

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Q: How do you prepare for a cyclone?
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How did people and community prepare for cyclone yasi?

People prepared for the Cyclone Yasi by leaving the country

What is cyclone forecasting?

Cyclone forcasting is what detects if a cyclone is coming or about to hit

Why is a cyclone a cyclone?

Cyclone is a cyclone because in affects in the round stage like cycle and its wheel round and round.

Precautions against a cyclone in India?

To prepare for a cyclone in India, it is important to secure loose objects, reinforce doors and windows, have an emergency kit ready, stay informed through weather updates, and evacuate to a safe location if necessary. Additionally, following instructions from local authorities and cooperating with evacuation orders are essential precautions to ensure safety during a cyclone.

What is name of cyclone that hit Oman?

Cyclone Mekunu hit Oman in May 2018.

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How did people and community prepare for cyclone yasi?

People prepared for the Cyclone Yasi by leaving the country

What to expect when a cyclone hits?

prepare for a big bang and stay underground

What did they do to prepare for cyclone Tracy?

When there is a storm warning everything that is lose is tied down or removed windows are covered and everything is secured as much as possible.

Was Cyclone Tracy a tropical cyclone?

Yes, Cyclone Tracy was a tropical cyclone.

Was Cyclone Tracy a typical cyclone?

No. Cyclone Tracy was an a very intense but abnormally small cyclone.

What cyclone hit before Cyclone Tracy?

Cyclone Selma came before Cyclone Tracy.

What happens before a cyclone hits?

Before a cyclone hits, there are typically signs such as changes in weather patterns, dropping barometric pressure, increasing winds, and heavy rainfall. Authorities issue warnings and alerts to residents in the affected area to prepare and evacuate if necessary. Emergency services and relief efforts are mobilized to help mitigate the impact of the cyclone.

What was the biggest cyclone before cyclone yasi?

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What is cyclone forecasting?

Cyclone forcasting is what detects if a cyclone is coming or about to hit

Why is a cyclone a cyclone?

Cyclone is a cyclone because in affects in the round stage like cycle and its wheel round and round.

Precautions against a cyclone in India?

To prepare for a cyclone in India, it is important to secure loose objects, reinforce doors and windows, have an emergency kit ready, stay informed through weather updates, and evacuate to a safe location if necessary. Additionally, following instructions from local authorities and cooperating with evacuation orders are essential precautions to ensure safety during a cyclone.

What do mining companies do to prepare for a cyclone?

When a cyclone is expected to hit near or in the area, everything is tied down and prepared properly and thoroughly. Only essential staff remains and everyone else is sent home. All ports are closed and vessels sent to safe waters. Railways are prepared and trains tied down. Mines are shut down if the cyclone is expected to cross the area. hope this helped!