Copper is just that pure copper. Beryllium copper also known as copper beryllium, beryllium bronze and spring copper, is a copper alloy with .5 to 3% beryllium and sometimes with other alloying elements. Beryllium copper combines high-strength with non-magnetic and non-sparking qualities. It has excellent metalworking, forming and machining qualities. It has many specialized applications in tools for hazardous environments, musical instruments, precision measuring devices, bullets, and aerospace.
Beryllium Copper (BeCu) also called Spring Copper amongst other names, is a non-ferrous alloy of copper, meaning that it won't rust, that is of high strength (200,000psi). It is excellent for metalwork because of this natural strength and is also ductile, weldable and machinable. Furthermore, it can be heat-treated to improve its durability and strength. It is hazardous to breathe in whilst processing it since the Beryllium-based dust and vapor is toxic.
It is an alloy of copper.
The density of beryllium 1,850 kg/m³ or 1.85 g/cm³. The SI density standard is kg/m³.
Copper (symbol Cu) is not an alloy it is an element containing only atoms of copper.
Melting of copper and beryllium.
Copper is just that pure copper. Beryllium copper also known as copper beryllium, beryllium bronze and spring copper, is a copper alloy with .5 to 3% beryllium and sometimes with other alloying elements. Beryllium copper combines high-strength with non-magnetic and non-sparking qualities. It has excellent metalworking, forming and machining qualities. It has many specialized applications in tools for hazardous environments, musical instruments, precision measuring devices, bullets, and aerospace.
You may be thinking of Tellurium Copper (TeCU). Tellurium is an element (Te), and it's easy to confuse it with Beryllium (Be), another element. Both are often alloyed with Copper (Cu). BeCu can be heat-treated and is great for springs.
Zinc and Copper Copper and zinc make up the mixture (alloy) brass.
The metals silver, copper and nickel are elements. It is brass that is an alloy, and copper and zinc are what make it up.
Beryllium Copper (BeCu) also called Spring Copper amongst other names, is a non-ferrous alloy of copper, meaning that it won't rust, that is of high strength (200,000psi). It is excellent for metalwork because of this natural strength and is also ductile, weldable and machinable. Furthermore, it can be heat-treated to improve its durability and strength. It is hazardous to breathe in whilst processing it since the Beryllium-based dust and vapor is toxic.
It is an alloy of copper.
copper is NOT an alloy, it is an elemental metal
Bronze: a copper-tin alloy, sometimes alloyed with phosphorous, aluminium, manganese, silicon, arsen or beryllium as minor constituents.
Brass is an alloy. An alloy of 67% copper and 33% zinc
Brass is the alloy of copper and zinc.
The density of beryllium 1,850 kg/m³ or 1.85 g/cm³. The SI density standard is kg/m³.