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From what i know, ivy plants can still give you sours and itches, I think the way to get rid of Ivy plants, is to first get on Protective gear such as gloves, long shirts, and overall pants. Then, dig around the plants and pull them out by the roots. Taking them out by the leaf won't help, they will just grow back.

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1mo ago

To get rid of ivy plants, manually remove them by pulling them out from the root. You can also cut them back regularly to prevent spreading. Consider covering the area with mulch or landscaping fabric to smother any remaining plants.

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Q: How do you get rid of ivy plants that are taking over your yard NOT posion Ivy?
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What can you do for landscape design in a small yard?

For a small yard, consider using vertical elements like trellises or hanging plants to maximize space. Choose smaller plants and trees that are proportional to the size of the yard. Create defined areas for different purposes, such as a seating area, a garden bed, or a pathway, to make the most of the space available.

What are plants that grow horizontally on the ground are called?

Plants that grow horizontally on the ground are called "ground cover plants." These plants are often used in landscaping to cover bare soil, prevent erosion, and add aesthetic value to a garden or yard. Examples include creeping thyme, vinca, and moss.

Why is it possible for different types of plants to grow in the same yard field or lot?

Different types of plants can grow in the same yard because each plant has unique needs and adaptations that allow them to coexist. Some plants may thrive in sunny areas, while others prefer shade. Additionally, their root systems may occupy different soil layers, reducing competition for resources. This diversity helps create a balanced ecosystem, benefiting soil health and pest control.

Is 715 cm more than a yard?

Yes, 715 cm is more than a yard. One yard is equal to 91.44 cm, so 715 cm is approximately 7.8 yards.

Which meausure is greater one yard or one meter?

The conversion between m and yard are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . we know , 1 m=1.0391 yards. seeing this realtion we can say that 1 meter is greater than 1 yard.

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What are types of yard work?

mowing the lawn, taking off the weeds,watering the plants,clean the trash,planting the plants

How do you merchandise plants correctly?

You can merchandise plants in your yard by taking the cuttings of your favorite plants and selling them as gifts. Dip the plant cuttings in in rooting hormone and then transfer them to a small container with potting soil.

What are yard cuttings?

Yard cuttings are the scraps left over after you groom your lawn. AKA- mowing, weed eating, etc. It is also the scraps you cut off shrubs, trees, bushes and flowering plants.

What to plant in front yard?

Plants of course.

How To Choose The Right Landscaping Plants For Your Yard?

If you choose the wrong landscaping plants, they might not thrive, and all the money you spent on landscaping improvements would be lost. You can make sure you pick the right plants for your yard by checking how much daily sun each section of your yard gets. If you plant a shade plant in a sunny area, it will not survive. The same goes for sun loving plants planted in shady areas of your yard. Know how much sun your yard gets and you will be able to choose landscaping plants that will grow well and make your yard look beautiful.

Three reasons to plant native American plants in your yard?

If you are some Indian you should keep it going and plant native American plants in your back yard.

Why do you have green beetles everywhere in your yard?

I don't have green beetles everywhere in my yard. If you have plants or a garden in your yard that might be why you do.From: TheOneWhoAnswersHope This Helps! :)

How do you start a garden in build a bear ville?

plant loads of plants. Get plants from Lumbear yard.

What are the levels in Plants vs Zombies?

Front yard, Front yard night time, back yard day time (with pool), Back yard night time (with fog) and the Roof.

How do you kill bent grass in the yard?

We have it in our yard. It's taking over. You do not kill it and save your yard. You either use Roundup, or dig it out. Sorry. We have it in our yard. It's taking over. You do not kill it and save your yard. You either use Roundup, or dig it out. Sorry.

What do grasshoppers do to your yard?

Grasshoppers eat all leafy parts of plants growing in the yard and attract birds as their prey.

How do you plant a garden in your yard?

by planting different types of plants