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Plants need a mixture of sandy soil, loamy soil, and sand to grow well, preferably about 30% of each, because each supplies the plant with what it needs to grow. If there is no loam, the plant cannot receive as much nutrition and minerals from the clay and sand.

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Plants struggle to grow well in soil that is mostly clay and sand because such soils have poor drainage and aeration. Clay soil holds onto water, leading to waterlogged conditions that suffocate plant roots. Sand soil drains too quickly, causing water and nutrients to leach away before plants can absorb them. This imbalance in water retention and drainage hinders plant growth and development.

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Q: How do you explain why palnt wont grow well in soil that is mostly clay and sand?
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What grows on roots of pea plants?

A nitrogen fixing bacterium Rhizobium enters roots of pea plant and grows to form root nodules . Mycorrhizal fungi also grow on roots of pea palnt.

What kinds of plants that grow on clay?

Chia Pets are good examples

What kind of soil does coral need to grow?

The coral reefs are mostly able to grow in clay like material that keeps the coral stable. They just need sand for certain corals and other grow on solid rock surfaces. It just depends if the coral is a Small polyp stoney corals or a large polyp stony or some other kind of soft coral.

What type of plants grow in grasslands?

Mostly grass and trees.

How does clay affect plant growth?

Clay soil can hold water and nutrients well, but it can also have poor drainage which can lead to waterlogged conditions that suffocate roots. This can result in stunted plant growth as roots struggle to access oxygen and nutrients. Additionally, clay soil can become hard and compacted, making it difficult for roots to penetrate and grow. Amendments such as organic matter can help improve clay soil structure for better plant growth.

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Do beans grow in clay?

If you mean clay soils, then yes. If you mean modeling clay, no.

Do plant grow better in clay or sand?

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Chrysanthemums need well drained soil. So clay is not good. Sand or Miracle Grow as long as the Miracle Grow does not retain water.

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They made clay and if they did they would have to be a clay maker when they grow up.

What type of soil does Indian grass grow in?

Indian grass will grow in soils from sand to clay. But will grow its best in sand.

Where do tulips mostly grow?

they usually grow in your backyard

Do seeds grow better in clay or sand?

Sand ofcourse

Can beans grow in modeling clay?

caca poopy lol

Does grass grow in sand?

Grass will grow in most any soil condition, but not clay. Grass is a plant, and it needs soil to be porous enough that water will be able to flow through; thus it will not grow in pure clay. However soils that have a mixture of loam and clay, or sand and clay, or loam and sand, will be suitable enough for grasses to grow in. But there are many species of grasses, and each species have their own specific conditions they like to grow in or grow best in.

Why would a plant grow better in top soil then clay and sand?

Because soil has nutrients that clay and sand don't have

What is the best tree to plant in dry clay soil?

it depends on you zone but magnolia trees usually grow well in clay.