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Take 1.45 wt% oxide as an example.

To remove the oxide component first you must work out the Ti component:

1.45 wt% oxide x 0.6 = Ti (wt%)

because Ti in TiO2 makes up 60% its formula mass:

47.87 / 79.87 = ~0.6 Ti


1.45wt% TiO2 = 0.87 wt% Ti

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1mo ago

To convert weight percent of an element to weight percent of its oxide, you need to consider the molar mass of the element and the oxide. Calculate the atomic ratio of the element to oxygen in the oxide, then adjust the weight percent accordingly. For example, to convert the weight percent of iron (Fe) to iron oxide (Fe2O3), you would use the molar masses of Fe and Fe2O3 to determine the conversion factor.

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