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It helps it to stay afloat on water while being dispersed.

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4w ago

Air spaces in coconuts help to provide buoyancy, allowing them to float and disperse to new locations for germination. These air spaces also provide insulation, helping to protect the inner seed from extreme temperatures and maintaining optimal conditions for growth. Additionally, the air spaces aid in nutrient transport within the coconut, supporting its survival and development.

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Q: How do the air spaces help the coconut to survive better in the environment?
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What is the definition of built environment?

The built environment refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging from buildings and infrastructure to parks and open spaces. It encompasses both the physical structures and spaces where people live, work, and play, as well as the design elements that shape these environments.

Why money plant does not die when kept in a closed bottle?

Money plants are able to survive in closed bottles because they are resilient to low light and can thrive in enclosed spaces with limited air circulation. They are able to photosynthesize and produce oxygen even in low-light conditions, which allows them to survive for extended periods without fresh air. Water and nutrients stored in the soil also support the plant's growth and longevity in a closed environment.

Which organism changes the environment by causing cracks in rocks where other organisms can grow?

Lichens are the organisms that can change the environment by secreting acids that break down rocks, creating spaces where other organisms can grow.

What is a hinged tongue?

A hinged tongue is a type of tongue on a trailer that can be folded or pivoted to better accommodate the movement of the trailer when it is being towed. This design allows for better maneuverability and helps in tight spaces.

Does sound travel better inside or outside?

Sound typically travels better outside due to fewer obstacles and barriers compared to indoor environments. In open spaces, sound waves can propagate further distances without as much interference or absorption. Indoor spaces, on the other hand, can have more surfaces that reflect, absorb, or disrupt sound waves, leading to decreased sound transmission.

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How to get better at Fortnite mobile?

htt ps:// (take out the spaces)

What allows the exchanged of gases between the environment and the air spaces inside the leaf?

i first thought it was stoma. but its stomata.

How to get better at Fortnite on mobile?

htt ps:// (take out the spaces)