

Best Answer

I suppose that a method is deleting of water by evaporation.

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Q: How do i convert liquid methadone into a powder?
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How do you turn liquid methadone into powder?

in some countries liquid methadone is all there is. liquid methadone is obtained by dissolving methadone wafers or methadone powder in a solution with alcohol, sugar, and an optional colorant.

How to Convert 1 mg of methadone to 1 ml?

1 ml of methadone liquid = 10 mg of methadone

You want silicate liquid convert silictate powder for detergent powder?

hoogy hoogy

How many mg are in 60 ml of methadone?

60 mg when they mix it in the clinic, powder in to juice 1mil= 1mg,5 mil juice =5mg,and so on.

What’s stronger methadone liquid or pills?

What’s stronger methadone liquid or pills?

What is the difference between the pink liquid methadone and the clear liquid methadone Witch is stronger?

I went to a methadone treatment center in Pittsburgh, Pa and i had both pink and clear liquids and i def think that the clear liquid Methadone is stronger then the pink liquid methadone i think its pink because of the artificial flavoring!

How can I convert dry milk to liquid milk?

To convert dry milk to liquid milk, simply mix the appropriate amount of water with the dry milk powder according to the instructions on the packaging. Stir well until the powder is fully dissolved in the water, and then use the liquid milk as you would normally.

Does Methadone HCL and liquid methadone the same on drug test?

Yes, both methadone hydrochloride (HCL) tablets and liquid methadone will show up as methadone on a drug test. The form of the medication (tablet or liquid) does not affect drug test results.

Does methadone liquid and pill form show up identical in a drug screen?

No, both forms of methadone will show up as methadone on a urine drug test.

What different type of morphine are there?

One as a raw product which is opium,two would be a crystaline powder, and 3 would be a liquid injectable solution in vials

How much methadone powder is needed to make 100 ml of methadone mixed with orange tang crystals?


Why can't you shoot up liquid methadone?

Because you shouldnt be a junkie shooting methadone it is dumb