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The water is cleaned as it is filtered through rocks and soil.

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Q: How do humans benefit from the stage of the water cycle when water on the surface sinks deep into the ground?
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How do humans benefit from the stage of the water cycle when water on the surface sinks deep from the ground?

The water is cleaned as it is filtered through rocks and soil.

How humans get benefit with aqua life cycle?

It is just natural!

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How does water effect the weather?

The water cycle creates weather. Water evaporates from the surface of the ground and plants. It condenses in the upper atmosphere and then falls back to the ground as rain.

What is the cycle of the hydrosphere?

A layer of water covering the upper mantle

How do you benefit from the water cycle?

you benefit from the water cycle by living in a safe environment or community and a safe life.

Do humans mess up the water cycle anywhere?

No, because the water evaporates, condensates, and precipitates even if the ground water is dirty.

Groundwater and surface water?

i think that when the water reaches the surface, it dissolves into the ground which is called infiltration (the movement of water through soil) which then flows down from the tiny spaces in the bedrock and then it forms into a ground water, which is then released into and ocean or a lake.

Are the forces that drive the rock cycle beneath the earth's surface the same as the forces that drive the rock cycle on or near earth's surface?

The forces that drive the rock cycle beneath the earth's surface are not the same as the forces that drive the rock cycle on or near earth's surface because the processes of the rock cycle beneath the earth surface and above the earth surface are diffferent.

Is the water cycle benefit?

Yes water cycle is beneficial. It replenishes the water.

How do humans impacted water cycle?

Humans adversely affects water cycle. They do deforestation and pollute the environment.

How is ground water returned to the water cycle?

Ground water is part of the water cycle. It never left.