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Q: How did visible light waves help scientists decipher a pictures taken of Chaiten Chile?
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Why do you think scientists are able to predict where in the night sky a planet will visible?

why do scientists aew able to predict where in the night sky a planet will be visible

Why do you think scientists are able to predict where in the night sky a planet will be visible?

Scientists can predict the position of planets in the night sky using mathematical models based on our understanding of planetary motion. By taking into account the planet's orbit, speed, and gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies, scientists can accurately calculate its position at any given time. This information allows them to forecast when and where the planet will be visible from Earth.

How does the microscope help in the scientists?

Microscopes allow scientists to observe tiny structures or organisms that are not visible to the naked eye. This enables them to study and understand the details of cellular and molecular processes, leading to discoveries in various fields such as biology, medicine, and materials science.

What scientists found the sun?

Scientists did not find the sun. The sun has been visible to mankind since the dawn of time.

Where can one find pictures of earth satellites?

One can find pictures of earth satellites on the NASA Visible Earth online website. NASA Visible Earth is a catalog of NASA images of our home planet, earth. The website "Geology" is where one can also find pictures of earth satellites.

How visible is Pluto from the earth?

It is not visible unless you are using a high grade telescope that isn't available to the public and is only used by profession astronomers and scientists.

Where can someone see pictures of Chrysler logos?

Someone can see pictures of Chrysler logos on the Chrysler website. There the logo can be found clearly visible throughout the website and on pictures of the vehicles on the website.

A name scientists give to the full range of types of radiation?

Electromagnetic spectrum.

Who said Nature is not only that which is visible to the eye - it also includes the inner pictures of the soul?

Edward Munch

Are there photos of the surface of Venus?

Yes, there are photos of the surface of Venus. These photos have been captured by spacecraft like the Soviet Venera missions and NASA's Magellan probe. Venus' surface is mostly captured using radar imaging due to its thick clouds that obscure visible light.

Is there a way to block people from stealing your MySpace images and pictures?

The only way is to put your pictures on private. Meaning only visible by you.Or if you trust your friends not to steal your pictures then put your setting to only viewable to friends

What do scientists us to break visible light from a star into its component colors?

A grating or a prism