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if that person look in a negative way to any others may cause disturbance in others body if said sitting person look to others with real smile then that may cause pleasure storm to body of others if a sitting person order to disturb the situations that can using eye energy and mouth energy he can convert into other way as he desire where as he is sitting

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Q: How can you change potential energy of a sitting person into other type of energy?
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Between which two letters on the transperecy does potential energy change to kinetic energy?

At the point where the ball is released, potential energy is at its highest (transferred from the person's hand) and kinetic energy begins to increase due to the ball's motion. This transition typically occurs between the letters 'A' and 'B'.

How does the position of an object affect potential energy?

The position of an object affects its gravitational potential energy (or GPE) because GPE is calculated by multiplying mass by the value for gravity (on Earth it's 9.81) and the objects height. The higher up an object is the more potential energy it will have because it has farther to fall.

Does a golf ball on the grass have a potential energy?

Yes, a golf ball on the grass has potential energy due to its position in the Earth's gravitational field. When the ball is raised to a certain height, it gains potential energy which can be converted into kinetic energy when it is in motion.

What is the kinetic energy of a person on top of a tower e equals with a potential energy of 15000 joules?

The kinetic energy of the person on top of the tower can be calculated by converting the potential energy to kinetic energy. Assuming no other energy transfers are involved, the kinetic energy would also be 15000 joules when the person is on top of the tower.

Why does the pulse rate increase when a person stands up from sitting?

When a person stands up from sitting, the body has to work harder to maintain blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body against gravity. This can temporarily decrease blood pressure, leading to a compensatory increase in heart rate to maintain adequate blood circulation.

Related questions

What is the change of energy of a person jumping off a rigid diving board?

The change in energy of a person jumping off a rigid diving board is from potential energy at the top to kinetic energy at the bottom. At the top, the person has potential energy due to their height above the ground, which is converted to kinetic energy as they fall towards the ground.

What are classify each form of energy as either potential or Kinect?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, such as a moving car or a running person. Potential energy is stored energy, like a stretched rubber band or a book sitting on a shelf waiting to fall.

What are some examples of Gravitational Potinal Energy?

Examples of gravitational potential energy include a book sitting on a shelf, a ball at the top of a hill, and a person standing on a diving board.

Does a person standing still on a hill have potential energy and how?

Yes, a person standing still on a hill does have potential energy. The person has gravitational potential energy due to their elevated position on the hill. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy if the person moves downhill.

How does a person on a trampoline change from potential to kentic energy and back again?

When a person jumps on a trampoline, they convert their potential energy (stored energy while at rest) into kinetic energy (energy of motion) as they bounce up. As they reach the top of the bounce, their kinetic energy is at its maximum and potential energy is at its minimum. On the way down, this process reverses as potential energy increases while kinetic energy decreases, until they reach the bottom of the bounce where the cycle repeats.

When would a person going down a hill have the most potential energy?

A person going down a hill will have the most potential energy at the top of the hill, where the gravitational potential energy is highest due to the greater height. As the person descends the hill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

What form of potential energy does a person blowing a vuvuzela have?

chemical potential energy

Is it possible for a person to have zero mechanical energy?

No, it is not possible for a person to have zero mechanical energy. Mechanical energy is the sum of an object's kinetic and potential energy, and as long as the person is in motion or has the potential to be in motion, they will have mechanical energy.

What is the Energy transformation when climbing up a rope ladder?

When climbing up a rope ladder, the potential energy of the person increases as they gain height. This increase in potential energy comes from the conversion of the person's muscle energy into gravitational potential energy.

When a person is on a bike at the top of a hill and begins to coast forward describe the amount of energy that changes?

As the person on the bike starts coasting forward at the top of the hill, potential energy is decreasing due to the decrease in height, while kinetic energy is increasing as the bike gains speed. This shift represents a change from potential energy to kinetic energy as the bike moves downhill.

If A person sitting in front of a fireplace feels what type of heat energy?

Radiant energy

What is an non example for potential energy?

A person running is not an example of potential energy. it is an example of kinetic energy.