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Volcanoes can form new islands and expand land area (although it takes a while before the new land can be used for anything). The Hawaiian islands are all of volcanic origin for example.

Soil formed from erosion of volcanic materials such as ash and cinders tends to be rather fertile since it is loaded with minerals and other nutrients and holds water remarkably well.

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Q: How can volcanoes be beneficial?
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How do volcanoes become beneficial?

The soil around them is very fertile.

What are the harmful and beneficial effect of a volcano?

[[User:|]] --Beneficial: The ash is rich in nutrients and is good for plants. --Harmful: The gases spued out from some of the volcanoes would suffocate the people who inhaled them.

Why are earthquakes and volcanoes considered beneficial?

Because it gets people to think about God and their need for salvation through Jesus Christ.

What is the name of scientists who study volcanoes?

Volcanologists study volcanoes, including their formation, eruption patterns, and impacts on the environment. They work to understand volcanic processes and hazards in order to mitigate risks and protect communities living near active volcanoes.

What are three types volcanoes?

Three types of volcanoes are Cinder Cone Volcanoes, Shield Volcanoes and Composite Volcanoes.

Do volcanoes need lava to be known as actual volcanoes?

No, volcanoes do not need lava to be volcanoes.

What are the two type of volcanoes?

there are three and they are Active Volcanoes, Dormant Volcanoes, and Extinct Volcanoes.

What 2 types of volcanoes are there?

There are three. From smallest to largest, they are: Cinder Cones, Composite Volcanoes (also called Strata Volcanoes), and then Shield Volcanoes.

Are there any kind of volcanos?

There are three different types of volcanoes. The types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, dome volcanoes, and also composite volcanoes.

What are three types of volcanoes?

Three types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes), and cinder cone volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have gentle slopes and are formed by low-viscosity lava, while stratovolcanoes are characterized by alternating layers of lava and ash. Cinder cone volcanoes are small, steep-sided volcanoes formed by pyroclastic material ejected during eruptions.

What type of vocanoes are there?

There are four main types of volcanoes: shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes), and calderas. Each type has distinct characteristics based on their eruption style, shape, and composition.

What is the difference between Compare volcanoes that form on land with volcanoes that form in the ocean.?

Land Volcanoes eat lamas and underwater volcanoes eat camals