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It depends. Carbon 14 cannot be used to date rocks, but only matter of organic origin. We simply compare the ratio of carbon 14 to carbon 12, and ignore the decay product (N14). As the half life of carbon 14 is 5730 years, we can (with the older equipment) fairly reliably date organic material back about 10 half lives, or pretty close to 60,000 years.

Uranium/uranium, uranium/thorium, and potassium/argon are three sets of long lived isotopes that are often found together, and work quite well for dating ash and rock of volcanic origin.

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1mo ago

Radioactive isotopes decay at a known rate, allowing scientists to determine the age of rocks and other materials by measuring the amount of parent isotope left and the amount of daughter isotope produced. By comparing these ratios, the age of the material can be calculated. This method is used in radiometric dating to determine the age of rocks and fossils.

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9y ago

Unstable atomic nuclei spontaneously break apart, or decay, releasing energy.

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Q: How are radioactive isotopes and their decay products used in radiometric dating?
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Radiometric dating is possible because the rates of decay of radioactive isotopes .?

Are constant

What knowledge is radiometric dating based upon?

radiometric dating is base on the half life of the radioactive atoms

Radiometric dating is done by comparing the ratio of over time?

Radiometric dating is done by comparing the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes in a sample. By measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes, scientists can determine the age of rocks and minerals. The principle behind radiometric dating is that as radioactive isotopes decay, they transform into stable daughter isotopes at a predictable rate, which can be used to calculate the age of the sample.

Can all radioactive isotopes be used in radiometric dating?

No, not all radioactive isotopes be used in radiometric dating. Some have very very short half lives and would entirely disappear before any useful period of time passed.

What is the difference between radio active decay and radio metric dating?

Radioactive decay is the process where unstable isotopes break down into more stable isotopes by emitting radiation. Radiometric dating, on the other hand, is a method used to determine the age of rocks or fossils by measuring the amounts of certain radioactive isotopes and their decay products. Essentially, radioactive decay is the underlying process that radiometric dating relies on to determine the age of a sample.

How do you use Radioactive dating in a sentence?

Radioactive dating is used by scientists to determine the age of ancient artifacts by measuring the amount of radioactive isotopes present and their decay products.

Radiometric dating is possible because the rates of decay of radioactive isotopes?

Radiometric dating is possible because the rates of decay of radioactive isotopes are constant and predictable over time. By measuring the amount of remaining parent and daughter isotopes in a sample, scientists can determine the age of the sample.

Is the dating method of determining the dates of old objects by using radioactive elements?


How do you carryout radiometric dating?

By the use of isotopes of radioactive elements through the determination of their half life.

What sentence best describes the information provided by radiometric dating?

Radiometric dating measures the decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks to determine their age.

How is radiometric dating measured?

Radiometric dating is measured by analyzing the decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks and minerals. Scientists measure the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes to determine the age of a sample. By calculating the rate at which the parent isotope decays into the daughter isotope, the age of the sample can be estimated.

Can use radiometric dating on all minerals to tell their absolute age?

No, radiometric dating can only be used on certain minerals that contain radioactive isotopes. These minerals include zircon, potassium feldspar, and biotite, among others. Not all minerals contain radioactive isotopes, so radiometric dating cannot be applied to all minerals.