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Sacco is short for savings and credits co-operative organisation. A co-operative society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. It pools together human resources in the spirit of self and mutual help with the object of providing services and support to members.

Reasons why Saccos are so popular in Kenya.

1) Cheaper source of funds and loans. SACCO interest rates on both savings and loans are generally better than rates given by banks and the reason for this is that SACCOs have very low overheads as compared to banks that pay low interest on savings but charge a lot of interest to cover their overheads. Therefore most Kenyans would rather save in SACCOs than in commercial banks as doing this is less expensive for them.

2) SACCOs educate their members on financial matters by teaching prudent handling of money, how to keep track of finances, how to budget and why to keep away from hire purchases and loan sharks. This helps to inform financial decisions of the Kenyans and helps them to spend or save their money wisely as opposed to some bigger banks which may not have time to give financial advice to its customers.

3) SACCOs pay dividends on shares to their members once the SACCO is established and profitable. Members therefore take pride in owning their own SACC and will save more money in their SACCOs as the more shares they are able to buy in the SACCOs, the more their dividends once the SACCO becomes profitable.

4) SACCO loans are insured. Upon the death of a member the estate will not have to repay any loans outstanding to the SACCO. This helps in keeping the financial security of the family of the deceased member as the SACCO does not go after them in trying to recover the loan.

5) Savings are mobilised locally and returned to members in the form of loans. The ideal model invests 80% of mobilised savings to members in the form of loans. The money stays and works within the members as opposed to other forms of financial institutions where depositing funds does not guarantee the qualification for a loan facility from that institution.

6) SACCOs perform a critical and unique function as financial intermediaries. They mobilise significant volumes of personal savings and channel them into small loans for productive and provident purposes at the community level. This resource mobilization leads to general economic growth at the community level as members can access funding for their projects.

7) Accessibility. SACCOs are formed in different areas even in remote areas where banks are not easily accessible. As such, people with common interests or goals or working in a similar profession may join together and form a SACCO by pulling together their own finances to create a source of funding for their own projects.

8) Easy Formation. Forming a SACCO does not have a lot of requirements as opposed to registering a bank. The founders need not be people with financial skills or expertise. As most Kenyans fall into this category of persons, it is easier for them to join or form SACCOs rather than other financial institutions.

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7mo ago

SACCOS in Kenya are becoming popular because they provide accessible financial services to members, especially those in rural areas. They offer lower interest rates on loans compared to commercial banks and often require lower initial deposits. SACCOS also promote a culture of saving and financial responsibility among their members.

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cheaper Sources of funds and load .SACCO intrest Rates on bohr sahnig and loan. SACCO educate ther members on financial matters. SACCO are accessible.Formation of a SACCO is easy.SACCO loans are insured.

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Q: Explain reasons why SACCOS are becoming popular in Kenya?
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reasons who saccos are popular?

affordable interest rates offered

How are saccos formed?

Saccos, short for savings and credit cooperatives, are typically formed by a group of individuals who come together with a common goal of pooling their savings and providing credit services to members. The process usually involves registering the sacco with relevant authorities, creating bylaws, electing leaders, and collecting initial savings to establish the cooperative's capital base. Saccos are governed by legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure transparency, accountability, and sustainability.

Reasons why saccos are becoming popular in Kenya?

Introduction:Sacco is short for savings and credits co-operative organisation. A co-operative society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. It pools together human resources in the spirit of self and mutual help with the object of providing services and support to members.Reasons why Saccos are so popular in Kenya.1) Cheaper source of funds and loans. SACCO interest rates on both savings and loans are generally better than rates given by banks and the reason for this is that SACCOs have very low overheads as compared to banks that pay low interest on savings but charge a lot of interest to cover their overheads. Therefore most Kenyans would rather save in SACCOs than in commercial banks as doing this is less expensive for them.2) SACCOs educate their members on financial matters by teaching prudent handling of money, how to keep track of finances, how to budget and why to keep away from hire purchases and loan sharks. This helps to inform financial decisions of the Kenyans and helps them to spend or save their money wisely as opposed to some bigger banks which may not have time to give financial advice to its customers.3) SACCOs pay dividends on shares to their members once the SACCO is established and profitable. Members therefore take pride in owning their own SACC and will save more money in their SACCOs as the more shares they are able to buy in the SACCOs, the more their dividends once the SACCO becomes profitable.4) SACCO loans are insured. Upon the death of a member the estate will not have to repay any loans outstanding to the SACCO. This helps in keeping the financial security of the family of the deceased member as the SACCO does not go after them in trying to recover the loan.5) Savings are mobilised locally and returned to members in the form of loans. The ideal model invests 80% of mobilised savings to members in the form of loans. The money stays and works within the members as opposed to other forms of financial institutions where depositing funds does not guarantee the qualification for a loan facility from that institution.6) SACCOs perform a critical and unique function as financial intermediaries. They mobilise significant volumes of personal savings and channel them into small loans for productive and provident purposes at the community level. This resource mobilization leads to general economic growth at the community level as members can access funding for their projects.7) Accessibility. SACCOs are formed in different areas even in remote areas where banks are not easily accessible. As such, people with common interests or goals or working in a similar profession may join together and form a SACCO by pulling together their own finances to create a source of funding for their own projects.8) Easy Formation. Forming a SACCO does not have a lot of requirements as opposed to registering a bank. The founders need not be people with financial skills or expertise. As most Kenyans fall into this category of persons, it is easier for them to join or form SACCOs rather than other financial institutions.

What is the role of saccos in economic development?

1 contribute for the gnp increament throug investment participation 2 allivate poverty 3 strength the economy

What actors and actresses appeared in Sacco und Vanzetti - 1927?

The cast of Sacco und Vanzetti - 1927 includes: Paul Askonas as Madaison Mizi Griebl as Witwe Desarey Walter Huber as Verteidiger Hans Peppler as Vanzetti Fritz Spira as Gouverneur Fuller Annemarie Steinsieck as Saccos Frau

What is the financial structure in Kenya?

Kenya has a diversified financial structure that includes traditional banking institutions, microfinance institutions, savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs), and mobile money services like M-Pesa. The financial sector is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya and the Capital Markets Authority to ensure stability and compliance with financial regulations. The government also promotes financial inclusion through initiatives like the Kenya Bankers Association's Shared Value Initiative and the Huduma number program.

What is the importance of co-operatives?

Cooperation leads to productivity, "team morale", and a generally good working atmosphere. Cooperation is a necessity of world peace. Cooperation is our aim in our lives, to help others achieve things not only for peace but for the advancement of human society. Cooperation comes firstly from within ourselves. In order for it to work you must devote a large part of yourself - without greed and jealousy - to fullfilling work which aims to help the world. To achieve something if you are part of a team, of any kind we need to cooperate so that we achieve what we are trying to do. If we don't talk to each other (one message doesn't go where it's intended, for example), and you want to tell someone somethinng, it doesn,'t get done, does it? If people do do what they say they will do then it gets done. If someone expects you to do something and you don't, it could result in confusions in other people's minds, possibly, I don't know if you have observed this or not of course, but have a look and see if it makes sense to you.

What movie and television projects has Annemarie Steinsieck been in?

Annemarie Steinsieck has: Performed in "Sami, der Seefahrer" in 1916. Played Helene Favour in "Der Herzog von Reichstadt" in 1920. Performed in "Der Irrweg" in 1920. Performed in "Der Wegweiser" in 1920. Performed in "Ruhmlose Helden" in 1920. Played Resi Ameseder in "Die Rosenkreuzer" in 1922. Performed in "Das verlorene Ich" in 1923. Performed in "Die Tuberkulose" in 1923. Performed in "Pflicht und Ehre" in 1924. Performed in "Moderne Laster" in 1924. Played Saccos Frau in "Sacco und Vanzetti" in 1927. Played Tante Warwara in "Ariane" in 1931. Performed in "So endete eine Liebe" in 1934. Played Mrs. Syfrig, seine Frau in "Hermine und die sieben Aufrechten" in 1935. Played Frau Konsul Schelff in "Einer zuviel an Bord" in 1935. Performed in "Frischer Wind aus Kanada" in 1935. Played Lady Wilford in "Der geheimnisvolle Mister X" in 1936. Played Lady Caroline in "Eine Frau ohne Bedeutung" in 1936. Played Mutter de Valencours in "Ein seltsamer Gast" in 1936. Played Lady Lyndstone in "Andere Welt" in 1937. Played Die Stiftsdame in "Ballade" in 1938. Performed in "Kora Terry" in 1940. Played Frau von Erdmannsdorf in "Friedemann Bach" in 1941. Played Frau Froben in "Opfergang" in 1944. Performed in "Die Zaubergeige" in 1944. Played Mrs. Hampden in "Eskapade" in 1954. Played Mrs. Gore in "Die Sache mit dem Ring" in 1961.

What are some six letter words with 4th letter C?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 633 words with the pattern ---C--. That is, six letter words with 4th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: abacas abacus acacia aesces alecks amices amicus amucks anicca anicut apache apical apices arccos arecas ashcan atocia avocet baccae baccas baccos bancos barcas beachy beacon beechy benchy bitchy blacks blocks blocky bobcat boccas bocces boccia boccie boccis bonces boocoo bosche botchy bouche boucle boxcar braced bracer braces brachs bracks bracts bricht bricks bricky broche brocho brochs brocks brucin buccal bunced bunces bunchy buncos caecal caecum calcar calced calces calcic cancan cancel cancer cancha carcel cascos catcht catchy caucus cercal cercis cercus chaced chaces chacks chacma chacos checks checky chicas chicer chicha chichi chicks chicle chicly chicon chicos choccy chocho chocko chocks chocos chucks chucky circar circle circus ciscos clachs clacks cleche clecks clecky cliche clicks cloche clocks clucks clucky coachy coacts coccal coccic coccid coccos coccus coccyx concha conche concho conchs conchy concur coocoo coucal couche cracka cracks cracky creche cricks cricky croche crocks crocus cruces crucks cuscus cutcha danced dancer dances dancey darcys datcha deacon deccie deiced deicer deices descry deuced deuces diacid discal disced discos discus dolces dooced doocot dotcom doucer doucet douche drachm drecks drecky drices dulcet dunces earcon eatche edicts educed educes educts eggcup ejecta ejects elects eliche elicit eltchi enacts epacts epical epocha epochs erects ericas ericks erucic eructs evicts exacta exacts exacum eyecup faecal faeces falces falcon farced farcer farces farcie farcin fasces fascia fascio fascis faucal fauces faucet fenced fencer fences fescue fiacre fincas fiscal fitche fitchy flacks flacon fleche flecks flecky flicks flocci flocks flocky forcat forced forcer forces fracas fracti fracts fricht frocks fulcra furcae furcal garcon gascon gauche gaucho gaucie gelcap gilcup glaces glacis glucan glycan glycin glycol glycyl gotcha graced graces greces griced gricer grices grocer gryces guacos haicks hances hepcat heuchs hiccup hitchy hoicks honcho hubcap ibices icecap icicle ilices ipecac juiced juicer juices juncos juncus kaccha kimchi kincob klicks knacks knacky knicks knocks kutcha kwacha kyacks laical laichs lanced lancer lances lancet lascar lauchs leachy leucin litchi lorcha louche madcap manche mancus marcel mascle mascon mascot meccas mercat mercer merces mescal mezcal midcap minced mincer minces mirchi miscue miscut mobcap morcha mudcap mudcat mulcts muscae muscat muscid muscle muscly nances narcos neocon niacin nieces nincom nincum nonces noncom notchy nuncio nuncle obeche ocicat offcut oilcan oilcup onycha orache oracle ounces outcry pances parcel pascal patchy paucal peaced peaces peachy peacod peeces pencel pences pencil perced percen perces phocae phocas pieced piecen piecer pieces pincer piscos pitchy placed placer places placet placid placit placks plicae plical plucks plucky poachy ponced ponces poncey poncho potche pouchy precis precut priced pricer prices pricey pricks pricky psocid psyche psycho psychs punced punces punchy puncta puncto quacks quacky quiche quicks ramcat ranced rancel rances rancho rancid rancor rascal raucid raucle reacts recced recces reccos redcap reecho reechy rescue romcom roscid roscoe rotche rouche roucou ruscus saccoi saccos saices saicks sancai sancho sancta sauced saucer sauces sauchs seccos seiche shacko shacks shocks shtchi shucks siccan siccar sicced siecle sircar sitcom skycap slacks sliced slicer slices slicks smacks smocks snacks snecks snicks soccer sonces soucar souced souces sowcar sowced sowces spaced spacer spaces spacey speccy specie specks specky spicae spicas spiced spicer spices spicey spicks stacks stacte stichs sticks sticky stocks stocky stucco stucks succah succes succor succos succot succus sulcal sulcus synced synchs syncom talced talcky talcum tarcel teacup telcos tercel terces tercet tercio tetchy thacks thecae thecal thicko thicks thicky ticced tincal tincts tipcat titchy toecap tomcat tomcod torchy toucan touche touchy traced tracer traces tracks tracts trecks tricar triced tricep trices tricks tricky tricot trocar troche trochi trocks truced truces trucks tusche twicer ulicon urachi uracil velcro vetchy vincas viscid viscin viscum viscus voiced voicer voices vulcan waucht webcam whacko whacks whacky wiccan wiccas winced wincer winces wincey witchy wracks wrecks wricks yaccas yarcos yecchs yoicks yuccas zinced zincic zincky zincos zircon zoccos zoecia

What are some six letter words with 2nd letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3896 words with the pattern -A----. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: aahing aaliis aarrgh aartis baaing baalim baases babaco babble babbly babels babied babier babies babkas bablah babool baboon baboos babuls baccae baccas baccos bachas bached baches backed backer backet backie backra backup bacons bacula badass badder baddie badged badger badges badman badmen baetyl baffed baffle bagass bagels bagful bagged bagger baggie baggit bagies bagman bagmen bagnio baguet baguio bagwig bahada bahuts bailed bailee bailer bailey bailie bailli bailor bainin bairns baited baiter baizas baized baizes bajada bajans bajras bajree bajris bakers bakery baking bakkie bakras balata balboa balded balder baldly baleen balers baling balked balker ballad ballan ballat balled baller ballet ballon ballot ballow ballsy ballup balmed baloos balsam balsas baltis baluns bambis bamboo bammed bammer bampot banaks banana bancos bandar bandas banded bander bandhs bandit bandog banged banger bangle banian banias baning banish banjax banjos banked banker banket bankit banned banner bannet bantam banted banter bantus banyan banzai baobab baraza barbal barbed barbel barber barbes barbet barbie barbut barcas barded bardes bardic bardie bardos barege barely barest barfed barfly barful barged bargee barges barhop baring barish barite barium barkan barked barken barker barley barlow barman barmen barmie barned barnet barney barock barolo barong barons barony barque barras barrat barred barrel barren barres barret barrie barrio barrow barter barton baryes baryon baryta baryte basalt basans basely basest bashaw bashed basher bashes basics basify basils basing basins basion basked basket basnet basons basque bassed basser basses basset bassly bassos basted baster bastes bastis bastle bastos basuco batata batboy bateau bathed bather bathes bathos batiks bating batler batlet batman batmen batons batoon battas batted battel batten batter battik battle battue baubee bauble bauera bauked baulks baulky bavins bawbee bawble bawdry bawled bawler bawley bawtie baxter bayamo bayard baying bayles bayman baymen bayous bayted bayyan bazaar bazars bazazz bazoos caaing cabala cabals cabana cabbed cabbie cabers cabins cabled cabler cables cablet cabman cabmen cabobs cabocs cabrie cabrio cabrit cacaos cached caches cachet cachou cackle cacoon cactus cadaga cadagi caddie caddis cadeau cadees cadent cadets cadged cadger cadges cadies cadmic cadres caduac caecal caecum caeoma caesar cafard cafila caftan cagers cagier cagily caging cagmag cagots cagoul cahier cahoot cahows caille caimac caiman caique cairds cairns cairny cajole cakier caking calalu calami calash calcar calced calces calcic calefy calesa calico califs caligo calima caliph calked calker calkin callan callas called callee caller callet callid callop callow callus calmed calmer calmly calory calpac calpas calque caltha calved calver calves calxes camail camans camash camass camber cambia camels cameos camera camese camion camisa camise camlet cammed cammie camote camped camper cample camply campos campus camsho canada canals canape canard canary cancan cancel cancer cancha candid candie candle candor canehs caners canful cangle cangue canids canier canine caning canker cannae cannas canned cannel canner cannie cannon cannot canoed canoer canoes canola canons canopy cansos cantal cantar canted canter canthi cantic cantle canton cantor cantos cantus canula canvas canyon capers capful capias caping capita caples caplet caplin capons capote capots capped capper capric caprid capris capsid captan captor capuls carack caract carafe caraps carate carats carbon carbos carboy carcel cardan carded carder cardia cardie cardio cardis cardon careen career careme carers caress carets carfax carfox carful cargos carhop caribe caried caries carina caring carked carles carlin carlot carman carmen carnal carnet carney carnie carobs caroch caroli carols caroms carpal carped carpel carper carpet carpus carrat carrel carrom carron carrot carses carsey cartas carted cartel carter cartes carton cartop carved carvel carven carver carves casaba casava casbah cascos casefy caseic casein casern cashaw cashed cashes cashew cashoo casing casini casino casita casked casket casque cassia cassis casted caster castes castle castor casual catalo catcht catchy catena caters catgut cation catkin catlin catnap catnep catnip catsup catted cattie cattle caucus caudad caudae caudal caudex caudle caught cauker caulds caules caulis caulks caumed causae causal caused causen causer causes causey cautel cauter cauves cavass caveat cavels cavern cavers caviar cavier cavies cavils caving cavity cavort cawing cawker caxons cayman cayuse dabbas dabbed dabber dabble dachas dacite dacked dacker dacoit dacron dactyl dadahs dadded daddle dadgum dadoed dadoes daedal daeing daemon daffed daftar dafter daftie daftly dagaba daggas dagged dagger daggle dagoba dagoes dahlia dahoon daidle daiker daikon daimen daimio daimon daimyo dained daines dainty daises dakers dakoit dalasi daledh daleds daleth dalles dallop dalton damage damans damars damask dammar dammed dammer dammit damned damner damped dampen damper damply damsel damson danced dancer dances dancey dander dandle danged danger dangle dangly danios danish danker dankly danted danton daphne dapped dapper dapple darafs darbar darcys darers dargah dargas dargle darics daring darked darken darker darkey darkie darkle darkly darned darnel darner darred darres darted darter dartle dartre darzis dashed dasher dashes dashis dassie datals datary datcha daters dating dative dattos datums datura daubed dauber daubes daubry dauded daults dauner daunts daured dauted dautie davens davies davits dawahs dawbry dawded dawdle dawing dawish dawned dawner dawney dawted dawtie dayans daybed dayboy dayfly dayglo daylit dazers dazing dazzle eadish eagers eagled eagles eaglet eagres eaning earbob earbud earcon earded earful earing earlap earned earner earths earthy earwax earwig easels easers easied easier easies easily easing easles eassel eassil easted easter eatage eatche eaters eatery eathly eating faaing fabber fabled fabler fables fabric facade facers facete facets faceup faciae facial facias facies facile facing factis factor factum facula faddle fadein faders fadeur fadged fadges fadier fading faecal faeces faenas faerie faffed fagged faggot fagins fagots faible faiked faikes failed faille fained fainer faines fainly fainne faints fainty faired fairer fairly faiths faitor fajita fakeer fakers fakery faking fakirs falces falcon fallal fallen faller fallow falsed falser falses falsie falter family famine faming famish famous famuli fanals fanded fandom fanega fanfic fangas fanged fangle fangos fanion fanjet fankle fanned fannel fanner fanons fantad fantod fantom fanums faqirs faquir farads farand farced farcer farces farcie farcin farded fardel farden farers farfal farfel farfet farina faring farles farmed farmer farred farren farrow farsed farses farted fasces fascia fascio fascis fashed fashes fasted fasten faster fastie fastly father fathom fating fatsia fatsos fatted fatten fatter fatwah fatwas faucal fauces faucet faulds faults faulty faunae faunal faunas faurer fauted fautor fauves favela favell favest favism favors favose favour favous fawned fawner faxing fayest faying fayned faynes fayres fazing gabbed gabber gabble gabbro gabies gabion gabled gables gablet gaboon gadded gadder gaddis gadfly gadges gadget gadgie gadids gadjes gadoid gadsos gaeing gaffed gaffer gaffes gagaku gagers gagged gagger gaggle gaging gagman gagmen gaiety gaijin gained gainer gainly gainst gaited gaiter gaitts galage galago galahs galant galaxy galeae galeas galena galere galiot galled gallet galley gallic gallon gallop gallow gallus galoot galops galore galosh galuth galuts galvos galyac galyak gamash gamays gambas gambes gambet gambia gambir gambit gamble gambol gambos gamely gamers gamest gamesy gamete gamier gamily gamine gaming gamins gammas gammat gammed gammer gammes gammon gamone gamuts gander ganefs ganevs ganged ganger gangly gangue ganjah ganjas ganned gannet ganofs ganoid ganoin gansey ganted gantry gaoled gaoler gapers gapier gaping gapped gapper garage garbed garbes garble garbos garcon gardai garden garget gargle garial garish garjan garlic garner garnet garote garran garred garres garret garron garrot garrya garter garths garuda garums garvey garvie gasbag gascon gashed gasher gashes gashly gasify gasket gaskin gaslit gasman gasmen gasped gasper gassed gasser gasses gasted gaster gateau gaters gather gating gators gatvol gauche gaucho gaucie gauded gaufer gaufre gauged gauger gauges gaujes gaults gaumed gaunch gaunts gauped gauper gaupus gauzes gavage gavels gavial gavots gawked gawker gawped gawper gawpus gawsie gayals gaydar gayest gayety gazabo gazals gazars gazebo gazers gazier gazing gazons gazoon gazoos gazump habile habits haboob haceks hachis hacked hackee hacker hackie hackle hackly hadden haddie hading hadith hadjee hadjes hadjis hadron haeing haemal haemic haemin haeres haffet haffit hafted hafter hagbut hagden hagdon hagged haggis haggle haglet haicks haiduk haikai haikus hailed hailer hainch hained haints haique hairdo haired hairif hairst hajjah hajjes hajjis hakams hakari hakeas hakeem hakims halala halals halers haleru halest halfas halfen halide halids haling halite hallah hallal hallan hallel halloa halloo hallos hallot hallow hallux halmas haloed haloes haloid halons halsed halser halses halted halter halutz halvah halvas halved halver halves hamada hamals hamate hamaul hamble haming hamlet hammal hammam hammed hammer hamose hamous hamper hamuli hamzah hamzas hanaps hances handax handed hander handle hangar hanged hanger hangis hangul hangup haniwa hanjar hanked hanker hankie hansas hansel hanses hansom hanted hantle haoles haomas happed happen hapten haptic hapuka hapuku harams harass harbor harden harder hardly hareem hareld harems harims haring harira harish harked harken harled harlot harman harmed harmel harmer harmin harped harper harpin harrow hartal harten hashed hashes haslet hasped hassar hassel hassle hasted hasten hastes hatbox haters hatful hating hatpeg hatpin hatred hatted hatter haughs haught haulds hauled hauler haulms haulmy haulst haunch haunts haused hausen hauses hauyne havens havers having havior havocs hawala hawing hawked hawker hawkey hawkie hawkit hawmed hawsed hawser hawses haybox hayers haying hayles haymow haysel hazans hazard hazels hazers hazier hazily hazing hazmat hazzan iambic iambus iatric jabbed jabber jabble jabers jabiru jabots jacals jacana jacare jacent jackal jacked jacker jacket jacksy jadery jading jadish jaeger jagaed jagers jagged jagger jaghir jagirs jagras jaguar jailed jailer jailor jakeys jalaps jalops jalopy jambed jambee jamber jambes jambok jambos jambul jambus jamjar jammed jammer jampan jampot jandal jangle jangly janker jansky jantee japans japers japery japing japped jarful jargon jarina jarool jarped jarrah jarred jartas jaruls jarvey jarvie jaseys jasies jasmin jasper jaspes jaspis jasses jassid jataka jauked jaunce jaunse jaunts jaunty jauped javels jawans jawari jawbox jawing jaxies jaygee jayvee jazies jazzbo jazzed jazzer jazzes kaamas kababs kabaka kabala kabars kabaya kabele kabiki kabobs kabuki kaccha kaeing kaffir kafila kafirs kaftan kagool kagoul kahals kahuna kaiaks kaikai kaikas kainga kainit kaiser kaizen kakapo kalams kalian kalifs kaliph kalium kalmia kalong kalpac kalpak kalpas kalpis kamahi kamala kamees kameez kamela kamiks kamila kamsin kanaka kanban kanehs kangas kangha kanjis kanses kantar kanted kanten kantha kanuka kanzus kaolin kaonic kapoks kappas kapuka kaputt karait karaka karamu karate karats karite karked karmas karmic karoos karoro kaross karris karroo karsey karsts karter karyon kasbah kashas kasher katana kathak kation katipo kattis kaughs kauris kavass kawing kayaks kayles kayoed kayoes kazoos laager laaris labara labdas labels labial labile labium lablab labors labour labret labrid labrum labrys lacers lacets laches lacier lacily lacing lacked lacker lackey lacmus lactam lactic lacuna lacune ladder laddie ladens laders ladies ladify lading ladino ladled ladler ladles ladron ladyfy laered laesie lagans lagena lagend lagers lagged laggen lagger laggin lagoon laguna lagune lahars laical laichs laided laidly laighs laikas laiked laiker laipse lairds laired laisse lakers lakier laking lakins lakish laksas lalang laldie lallan lalled lambda lambed lamber lambie lamedh lameds lamely lament lamest lamiae lamias lamina laming lamish lammed lammer lammie lampad lampas lamped lamper lanais lanate lanced lancer lances lancet landau landed lander landes lanely langar langer langue langur lanked lanker lankly lanner lanose lanugo laogai lapdog lapels lapful lapins lapjes lapped lappel lapper lappet lappie lapsed lapser lapses lapsus laptop larded larder lardon larees largen larger larges largos lariat larine larked larker larnax larned larney laroid larrup larums larvae larval larvas larynx lascar lasers lashed lasher lashes lasing lasket lasque lasses lassie lassis lassos lassus lasted laster lastly latahs lateen lately latens latent latest lathed lathee lathen lather lathes lathis latigo latina latino latish latkes latria latron latten latter lattes lattin lauans lauchs lauded lauder laughs laughy launce launch launds laurae lauras laurel lauric lauryl lavabo lavage lavash laveer lavers laving lavish lavolt lavras lawest lawful lawine lawing lawins lawman lawmen lawyer laxest laxism laxist laxity layers laying layins layman laymen layoff layout layups lazars lazied lazier lazies lazily lazing lazoed lazoes lazuli maaing maases mabela macaco macaws macers machan macher maches machos macing mackle macled macles macons macoya macron macros macula macule madafu madame madams madcap madded madden madder madefy madges madman madmen madras madres madtom maduro maelid maenad maffia mafias mafics mafted maftir magged maggie maggot magian magics magilp magism maglev magmas magnes magnet magnon magnox magnum magnus magots magpie maguey magyar mahewu mahmal mahoes mahout mahsir mahuas mahwas mahzor maidan maided maiden maigre maihem maikos mailed mailer mailes maills maimed maimer mained mainer mainly mainor maires maises maists maizes majlis majors makars makers makeup making makuta makutu malady malams malars malate maleic malfed malgre malibu malice malign maliks maline malism malist malkin mallam malled mallee mallei mallet mallow malmag maloti malted maltha maltol malvas malwas mamako mamaku mambas mambos mamees mameys mamies mamluk mammae mammal mammas mammee mammer mammet mammey mammie mammon mamzer manage manaia manana manati manats manatu manawa manche mancus mandir mandis mandom manege manehs manent manful mangal mangas manged mangel manger manges mangey mangle mangos maniac manias manics manies manila manioc manito manitu mannan mannas manned manner manoao manors manque manred manses mantas mantel mantes mantic mantid mantis mantle mantos mantra mantua manual manuka manuls manure maomao maples mapped mapper maquis marabi maraca maraes marahs marari maraud marble marbly marcel margay marges margin marids maries marina marine marish markas marked marker market markka markup marled marles marlin marmot marons maroon marors marque marram marred marrer marris marron marrow marrum marses marshy marted martel marten martin martyr marvel marver masala mascle mascon mascot masers mashed masher mashes mashie mashua mashup masing masjid masked maskeg masker maslin masons masque massas massed masses massif masted master mastic mastix masula matais matata maters mateys matico matier maties matily mating matins matipo matjes matlos matlow matoke matres matric matrix matron matsah matted matter mattes mattie mattin mature matzah matzas matzoh matzos matzot mauger maugre mauled mauler maulvi maumet maunds maundy maungy maunna mauris mauver mauves mauvin mavens mavies mavins mawger mawing mawkin mawmet mawpus maxima maxims maxing maxixe maybes mayday mayest mayfly mayhap mayhem maying mayors maypop mayvin mazard mazers mazhbi mazier mazily mazing mazout mazuma mazuts nabbed nabber nablas nabobs nachas naches nachos nacket nacred nacres nadirs nadors naeves naevus naffed naffer naffly nagana nagari nagged nagger nagors nahals naiads naiant naifer naifly nailed nailer nairas nairus naiver naives nakers nakfas naleds nallah nallas namely namers naming nances nandin nandoo nandus nanism nankin nannas nannie nanobe nanook naoses napalm napery naping napkin napoos nappas napped napper nappes nappie napron narcos narded nardoo narial narine narked narras narrow narwal nasals nasard nashis nasial nasion nastic nasute natant nation native natron natter natura nature naught naunts nausea nautch nautic navaid navars navels navews navies nawabs naysay nazify nazirs oafish oakers oakier oakies oakums oarage oarier oaring oaters pablum pacers pachak pachas pacier pacify pacing packed packer packet packly pactum padang padauk padded padder paddle padkos padles padmas padnag padouk padres padsaw paeans paella paeons paeony paesan pagans pagers paging pagles pagoda pagods pagris paidle paigle paiked painch pained painim paints painty paiock paired pairer paires paisan paisas pajama pajock pakahi pakeha pakihi pakoko pakora palace palagi palais palama palapa palate palays paleae paleal palely palest palets palier paling palish palkee palkis pallae pallah palled pallet pallia pallid pallor palmar palmed palmer palmie palolo palpal palped palpus palter paltry pampas pamper panada panama panary pances pandar pandas pander pandit paneer panels panfry panful pangas panged pangen panick panics panier panims paning panini panino panisc panisk panned panner pannes pannus panted panter pantie panton pantos pantry pantun panzer papacy papain papaws papaya papers papery papish papism papist papped pappus papula papule papyri parade parage paramo parang paraph parcel pardah pardal parded pardee pardie pardon parent pareos parera parers pareus pareve parged parges parget pargos pariah parial parian paries paring parish parity parkas parked parkee parker parkie parkin parkis parkly parlay parled parles parley parlor parody parole parols parore parous parped parpen parral parras parred parrel parrot parsec parsed parser parses parson partan parted parter partim partis partly parton parura parure parvis parvos pascal pasear pasela paseos pashas pashed pashes pashim pashka pashms passed passee passel passer passes passim passus pastas pasted pastel paster pastes pastie pastil pastis pastor pastry pataca pataka patchy patens patent patera paters pathed pathic pathos patiki patina patine patins patios patois patrol patron patted pattee patten patter pattes pattie pattle patzer paucal paulin paunce paunch pauper pausal paused pauser pauses pavage pavane pavans paveed pavens pavers paving pavins pavior pavise pavone pawaws pawers pawing pawnce pawned pawnee pawner pawnor pawpaw paxwax payday payees payers paying paynim payoff payola payors payout pazazz qabala qanats qasida qawwal rabato rabats rabbet rabbin rabbis rabbit rabble rabies raceme racers raches rachet rachis racial racier racily racing racism racist racked racker racket rackle racons racoon radars radded radder raddle radger radges radial radian radios radish radium radius radome radons radula rafale raffia raffle rafted rafter ragbag ragees ragers raggas ragged raggee raggle raging ragini raglan ragman ragmen ragout ragtag ragtop raguly rahing rahuis raided raider raiked railed railer railes railly rained raines rairds raised raiser raises raisin raitas raited raiyat rajahs rakees rakers rakery raking rakish rallye ralphs ramada ramate rambla ramble ramcat rameal ramees ramens ramets ramies ramify ramins ramjet rammed rammel rammer rammle ramona ramose ramous ramped ramper ramrod ramson ramtil ramuli ranced rancel rances rancho rancid rancor randan randed randem randie random randon ranees ranged ranger ranges rangis ranids ranine ranked ranker rankes rankle rankly ransel ransom ranted ranter ranula ranzel rapers raphae raphes raphia raphis rapids rapier rapine raping rapini rapist rapped rappee rappel rappen rapper rappes raptly raptor rarefy rarely rarest rarify raring rarity rarked rascal rasers rashed rasher rashes rashie rashly rasing rasped rasper rasses rassle raster rasure ratals ratans ratany ratbag rateen ratels raters rathas rather ratify ratine rating ration ratios ratite ratlin ratoon ratoos rattan ratted ratten ratter rattle rattly ratton raucid raucle raught raunch raunge ravage ravels ravens ravers ravine raving ravins ravish rawaru rawest rawing rawins rawish raxing rayahs raying rayled rayles raylet raynes rayons razeed razees razers razing razoos razors razure razzed razzes razzia razzle sabals sabbat sabbed sabers sabine sabins sabirs sabkha sabled sables sabots sabras sabred sabres sacbut saccoi saccos sachem sachet sacked sacker sacque sacral sacred sacrum sadded sadden sadder saddhu saddle saddos sadhes sadhus sadism sadist sadzas saeter safari safely safest safety safing safrol safter sagbut sagely sagene sagest saggar sagged sagger sagier sagoin saguin sahebs sahiba sahibs saices saicks saidst saigas saikei sailed sailer sailor saimin sained saints saique saired sairer saithe saiths saiyid sajous sakais sakers sakias sakieh sakkoi sakkos salaam salade salads salals salami salary saleps salets salewd salify salina saline saliva sallad sallal sallee salles sallet sallow salmis salmon salols salons saloon saloop salops salpae salpas salpid salsas salses salted salter saltie saltly saltos saltus salued salues saluki salute salved salver salves salvia salvor salvos salwar samaan samans samara sambal sambar sambas sambos sambur samech samekh sameks samely samfoo samfus samiel samier samite samiti samlet samlor sammed samosa sampan sampis sample samshu sancai sancho sancta sandal sanded sandek sander sandhi sanely sanest sangar sangas sanger sanghs sangos sanies sanify saning sanity sanjak sankos sannie sannop sannup sanpan sanpro sansar sansas sansei santal santir santol santon santos santur sapans sapego sapele sapful sapors sapota sapote sapour sappan sapped sapper sapple sarans sarape sardar sardel sarees sarges sargos sargus saring sarins sarmie sarney sarnie sarode sarods sarong sarsar sarsen sartor sasers sashay sashed sashes sasine sasins sassed sasses sastra satais satang satara satays sateen sating satins satiny satire sative satori satrap satyra satyrs saubas sauced saucer sauces sauchs sauger saughs saughy saulge saulie saults saunas saunts saurel sauted sautes savage savant savate savers saveys savine saving savins savior savors savory savour savoys savvey sawahs sawder sawers sawfly sawing sawlog sawney sawpit sawyer saxaul saxony sayeds sayers sayest sayids saying sayons sayyid sazhen sazzes taatas tabard tabbed tabbis tabefy taberd tabers tablas tabled tables tablet taboos tabors tabour tabret tabued tabula tabuli tabuns tacans tacets taches tachos tacked tacker tacket tackey tackle tactic taddie taeing taenia taffia tafias tagged taggee tagger tagine tagrag taguan tahina tahini tahous tahsil taiaha taigas taigle taihoa tailed tailer taille tailor tailye taints taipan tairas taisch taiver tajine takahe takers takeup takhis takier taking takins talaks talant talaqs talars talbot talced talcky talcum taleae talent talers talion talked talker talkie tallat taller tallet tallis tallit tallol tallot tallow talmas talmud talons talpae talpas taluka taluks talweg tamale tamals tamanu tamara tamari tambac tambak tamber tambur tamein tamely tamers tamest tamine taming tamins tamise tammar tammie tampan tamped tamper tampon tandem tangas tanged tangie tangis tangle tangly tangos tangun tanist tankas tanked tanker tankia tannah tannas tanned tanner tannic tannie tannin tannoy tanrec tantra tanuki taonga tapalo tapers tapeta tapeti tapets taping tapirs tapist tappas tapped tapper tappet tappit tapued tarama tarand tarboy tarcel targed targes target tariff taring tarmac tarnal tarocs taroks tarots tarpan tarpon tarras tarred tarres tarrow tarsal tarsel tarsia tarsus tartan tartar tarted tarter tartly tarzan tasars tasers tashed tashes tasked tasker taslet tassel tasses tasset tassie tasted taster tastes tatami tatars taters tathed taties tatler tatous tatsoi tatted tatter tattie tattle tattoo tattow tatued taubes taught tauhou tauiwi taunts tauons taupes taupie tauric tauted tauten tauter tautit tautly tautog tavahs tavern tavers tavert tawais tawdry tawers tawery tawhai tawier tawing tawney tawpie tawsed tawses tawted tawtie taxeme taxers taxied taxies taxing taxite taxman taxmen taxols taxons taxors tayras tazzas uakari vacant vacate vacked vacuum vading vadose vagary vagged vagile vagina vagrom vagued vaguer vagues vahana vahine vailed vainer vainly vakass vakeel vakils valeta valete valets valgus valine valise valkyr vallar valley vallum valors valour valsed valses valued valuer values valuta valval valvar valved valves vamose vamped vamper vandal vandas vanish vanity vanman vanmen vanned vanner vapors vapory vapour varans varech varecs varias varied varier varies varlet varnas varoom varroa varsal varved varvel varves vassal vaster vastly vatful vatman vatmen vatted vatter vaudoo vaults vaulty vaunce vaunts vaunty vauted vautes vaward vawted vawtes wabain wabbit wabble wabbly waboom wacker wackes wackos wadded wadder waddie waddle waddly waders wadies wading wadmal wadmel wadmol wadset waeful wafers wafery waffed waffie waffle waffly wafted wafter wagers waggas wagged wagger waggle waggly waggon waging wagons wahine wahoos waiata waifed waifts wailed wailer wained waired wairsh wairua waists waited waiter waites waived waiver waives wakame wakane wakens wakers wakiki waking waldos walers walier walies waling walise walked walker walkup wallah wallas walled waller wallet wallie wallop wallow walnut walrus wamble wambly wammul wammus wampee wampum wampus wander wandle wandoo wangan wangle wangun wanier waning wanion wanked wanker wankle wanned wannel wanner wanted wanter wanton wanzed wanzes wapiti wapped wapper waragi warble warded warden warder wardog warier warily waring warked warman warmed warmen warmer warmly warmth warmup warned warner warped warper warran warray warred warren warrey warsaw warsle warted wasabi washed washen washer washes washin washup waspie wassup wasted wastel waster wastes wastry watape wataps waters watery watter wattle waucht wauffs waughs waught wauked wauker wauled waulks waured waurst wavers wavery waveys wavier wavies wavily waving wawaed wawled waxers waxeye waxier waxily waxing waying waylay wazirs wazoos yabbas yabber yabbie yaccas yachts yackas yacked yacker yaffed yaffle yagers yagger yahoos yairds yakkas yakked yakker yakows yakuza yamens yammer yamuns yanked yanker yankie yanqui yantra yaourt yapock yapoks yapons yapped yapper yappie yaqona yarcos yarded yarder yarely yarest yarfas yarked yarned yarner yarpha yarran yarrow yartas yartos yasmak yatter yauped yauper yaupon yautia yawing yawled yawned yawner yawped yawper zabeta zabras zaddik zaffar zaffer zaffir zaffre zaftig zagged zaikai zaires zakats zamang zamans zambos zambuk zamias zanana zander zanied zanier zanies zanily zanjas zantes zanzas zanzes zapata zapped zapper zarape zareba zariba zarnec zayins zazens