Chemicals that bridge the synaptic gap are called neurotransmitters.
The other "solar bodies" are called stars.
Some chemicals make plants grow. They are called fertilizers. Some chemicals plants make plants die. When intentionally applied, they are the type of pesticide called herbicides. Some chemicals do not affect plants.
Answer this question… Which of the following is key to your success in this P.E. course?
It increases our energy levels. It releases chemicals called endorphins into our bodies. It gives us a more positive body image.
Organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and vesicles store and release chemicals in a cell. These organelles play important roles in protein synthesis, processing, and transport within the cell.
it's endorphins... I'm on the same exam now.
Fish typically fertilize their eggs outside of their bodies. First the female releases her eggs, then the male releases the sperm over the eggs so that it lands on them and fertilizes them.
lol=Laugh Out Loud. Everybody enjoys a good laugh, plus it releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins which make you feel good.
When a male releases semen, it is called ejaculation.
The chemicals which are involved in a reaction are called Reagents or Reactants
There is a chemical in their bodies called luciferin. They mix it with several other chemicals and enzymes to create a reaction that puts out the yellow-green light you see.
a person who does not exercise is called a layman.
The production of food from chemicals is called chemosynthesis.