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An increase in temperature favours an endothermic reaction over an exothermic one as an endothermic reaction takes in the energy from the higher temperature more easily than the exothermic reaction gives out even more energy to the surroundings. Therefore an increase in temperature increases the level of completion and viability of an endothermic reaction, and the opposite for an exothermic reaction.

An increase in pressure favours any reaction that forms fewer molecules from more molecules. It does not necessarily favour an exothermic or an endothermic reaction as it depends on the number of molecules on either side of the reaction. An endothermic reaction involves the breaking of bonds to a greater extent than an exothermic reaction, so an increase in pressure would, in a lot of cases, favour the exothermic reaction more than the endothermic reaction.

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4mo ago

For an exothermic reaction, increasing temperature typically decreases the rate of the reaction due to a shift in the equilibrium favoring the reactants. In contrast, for an endothermic reaction, increasing temperature usually increases the rate of the reaction as it helps provide the necessary energy required by the reactants. Pressure changes typically have a minor effect on the rate of both exothermic and endothermic reactions, as they primarily affect the equilibrium position rather than the reaction rate.

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If the temperature increases during a reaction, it is exothermic. This means that heat is being released into the surroundings. If the temperature decreases during a reaction, it is endothermic, meaning heat is being absorbed from the surroundings.

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You can determine if a reaction is endothermic or exothermic by observing whether heat is absorbed or released during the reaction. If heat is absorbed, the reaction is endothermic. If heat is released, the reaction is exothermic. You can also measure the temperature change of the surroundings to confirm the type of reaction.

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You can generally tell by changes in temperature, whether you have an exothermic reaction which produces heat, or an endothermic reaction which consumes heat.

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Exothermic reactions release heat to the surroundings, causing the surroundings to increase in temperature. Endothermic reactions absorb heat from the surroundings, causing the surroundings to decrease in temperature.

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An exothermic reaction is one in which heat is released or given off as a product of the reaction. This is often associated with a rise in temperature in the surrounding environment.

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If the temperature after a reaction is higher is the reaction endothermic or exothermic?

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