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The process of the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles is called a magnetic flip. This occurs every 4 or 5 times per million years.

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The Earth's magnetic poles do not reverse every year. On average, the magnetic poles reverse every 200,000 to 300,000 years. The last reversal happened around 780,000 years ago.

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Q: Earths magnetic poles reverse approximately every years?
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Earths magnetic poles reverse approximately every how many years?

250,000 years

About how do earths magnetic poles reverse?

every 250,000 years :)

About how often do earths magnetic poles reverse?

Every 250,000 years, when it farts

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The Earth magnetic field changes approximately every 200,000 thousand years.

About how often do earths magnetic poles?

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Every 100,000 years or so, the Earths magnetic field shifts direction. North becomes south, south becomes north.

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A space curiosity that returns to earths view approximately every 76 years?

Halley's Comet

What do the earths magnetic poles move around?

The Earth's magnetic poles move due to changes in the movement of molten iron in the outer core of the Earth. This causes fluctuations in the magnetic field which results in the movement of the magnetic poles.

Earths magnetic field results from movements in what?

The Earth's magnetic field results from electric currents in the mantle and outer core around the iron solid core; every electricmagnet is prduced as a result of electricity flowing around a iron core - the same principle works in our own magnetic field.

Do all planets rotate in the same direction as earth and are their magnetic poles the same and aligned with the earths magnetic pole?

No, not all planets rotate in the same direction as Earth. The magnetic poles of planets can also vary; for example, Mars' magnetic poles are not aligned with Earth's. The magnetic field orientation and strength are determined by the internal composition and dynamics of each planet.

How does the earths magnetic fieldprotecting the life on earth?

I saw a show on this topic. Every once in a while the sun shoots out solar flares, these are made out of the suns material and are dangerous, they also go pretty far. Occasionaly one heads straight for earth, but the earths magnetic is strong enough to make a "shield" around the earth (sorry if this isn't enough detail).