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Simple is a single leaf, compound is three, or a cluster of leafs off of one stem.

A simple leaf has single leaf lamina whereas compound leaf has more than one leaf lamina (leaflet).

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8mo ago

Crape myrtle leaves are simple, not compound. Each leaf is whole and not divided into leaflets like compound leaves.

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12y ago

The lemon tree has simple leaves.

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12y ago

yes it is a simple leaf

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13y ago


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Q: Does the crape myrtle have simple or compound leaves?
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Is a crape myrtle a deciduous or evergreen tree?

A crape myrtle is a deciduous tree, meaning it loses its leaves in the fall. This tree sheds its leaves annually in response to the changing seasons, typically during the autumn months.

What is the scientific name for the Crape myrtle?

The scientific name for Crape myrtle is Lagerstroemia indica.

What is the scientific name for a crape myrtle tree?

The scientific name for a crape myrtle tree is Lagerstroemia indica.

Are crape myrtle leaves different?

Yes, crape myrtle leaves can vary in size, shape, and color depending on the specific cultivar. They can be oval or lance-shaped, with colors ranging from green to red to burgundy. The leaves typically turn vibrant shades of orange, red, or yellow in the fall.

Is a crepe myrtle a tree?

That one has fruit capsules, oppositely-occurring leaves, and showy flowers and is native to Australia and non-nitrogen-fixing while the other has fruity drupes, spirally-occurring leaves, and small catkins and is not native to Australia but is nitrogen-fixing are differences between crape and wax myrtles.Specifically, both myrtles can be found as fragrantly deciduous or evergreen shrubs and trees. But crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp) has the advantage of being native to Australia (and Oceania and south and southeast Asia) while wax myrtle (Myricaspp) can be found growing natively on every continent except Antarctica and Australia. Wax myrtle nevertheless is blessed with the ability to replenish nutrient-poor soil whereas crape myrtle is not a nitrogen-fixing woody plant. The two genera tend not to be confused because of the crape myrtle's capsuled fruit, colorful blooms and simple leaves and the wax myrtle's catkined flowers, complex leaves, and tasty drupes.

What is the domain for a crape myrtle?

The domain for a crepe myrtle, as a plant, is Eukaryota.

Is a Crape Myrtle A Gymnosperm?

No, a Crape Myrtle is an angiosperm, not a gymnosperm. Gymnosperms are seed-bearing plants that do not produce flowers, while angiosperms produce flowers and have seeds enclosed in fruits. Crape Myrtles produce flowers and have seeds contained within capsules.

Is a crape myrtle nonvascular or vascular?

Its Vascular.

Is a crepe myrtle's leaf blade lobed or not lobed?

Crepe myrtle leaf blades are typically not lobed; they are simple and smooth-edged.

Is a crape myrtle a gymnosperm or an angiosperm?

A crape myrtle is an angiosperm. Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within an ovary, which develops into a fruit. Crape myrtles produce flowers and fruits, classifying them as angiosperms.

What pest turns the leaves of crape myrtles shiny?

Aphids are pests that turn crape myrtle leaves shiny. The soft-bodied insect pest in question (Aphidoidea superfamily) excretes honeydew. The waste product leaves foliage shiny and sticky enough to attract ants and sooty mold.

What is the state flower of maharastra?

Lagerstroemia speciosa (Giant Crape-myrtle, Queen's Crape-myrtle, Banabá Plant, or Pride of India, Jarul)See link below: