Only if you are ignorant can you believe that hair grows faster when it is cold out.
i disagree, I think when it's cold or you are cold you get goose bumps. this makes the hair on your body stand on end, thus stimulating recently shaved legs to grow hair quicker. Try it in the shower and find this to be true for yourself.After you shave your legs feel how smooth they are rubbing against the grain(from the bottom to the top). Then open the curtain or door and allow yourself to get cold and goosebumps to form, then feel your legs again,typically for me the stubble comes right back and i need to go over them again. hope this helps you any:)
No, the cold temperature does not directly affect hair growth. Hair growth is mainly determined by genetics, hormones, and overall health. However, cold weather can lead to dryness, which may impact the health of your hair and scalp.
Yes, it's possible to have blonde leg hairs even if your hair is brown. Hair color can vary in different parts of the body due to factors like genetics and hormonal influences. So having blonde leg hair while having brown hair is not unusual.
There can be several reasons for not having leg hair, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, medical conditions like alopecia, or side effects of medication. If you are concerned, it may be helpful to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.
Cemented floors can transfer heat away from your body more quickly than other surfaces, making you feel colder. This happens because cement is a good conductor of heat, which means it can draw heat away from your feet faster than other materials. Additionally, if the floor is colder than your body temperature, it can further contribute to the sensation of feeling cold.
Well, some people try to get rid of leg hair. But for now leg hair grows by it's time. I don't think something can make you leg hair grow faster because a lot of people don't want it.
No, the cold temperature does not directly affect hair growth. Hair growth is mainly determined by genetics, hormones, and overall health. However, cold weather can lead to dryness, which may impact the health of your hair and scalp.
No. Yawning does not cause leg hair to grow. What does cause leg hair to grow (either thicker or darker) is shaving, genetics, and your overall hormones in your body.
Letting it grow.
It's true that hair grows fater in the summmer than the winter... not juat leg hair but hair in general haha...X] It's true that hair grows fater in the summmer than the winter... not just leg hair but hair in general haha...X]
Yes, your leg hair can appear to grow when you get goosebumps because the muscles surrounding the hair follicles contract, causing the hair to stand up and appear longer.
If one leg has excessive hair growth it could be because of the side a person sleeps on. Hair will grow faster on the body on areas that a person does not sleep on. If a person sleeps on the left side, for example, the left side might have less body hair.
Someone is really pulling your leg !!!
why would you want to grow long leg hair. but any way when you shave a few times it usually grows more after.
They go through puberty