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The gene for the most well known form of hemophilia is located on the X chromosome. It is not the result of too many or too few chromosomes. A male receives only one X chromosome while the receives two X chromosomes. These gene codes for factor VIII, one of the factors within the clotting cascade. If a female inherits the mutated gene, she has a second gene on the other X chromosome. However, she is capable of passing the gene for hemophilia onto her children. Males inherit one X chromosome and so have hemophilia.

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It's not a disorder based on the number of chromossomes, but is caused by a recessive gene located in the X-chromossome.

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15y ago

People who have Hemophilia bleed longer than normal people. Their blod doesn't clot normally and it can be fatal. Other than that I'm not sure. Hope that helps.

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Q: Does hemophilia result from too many or too few chromosomes?
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What does a nondisjunction involve?

A nondisjunction is a genetic error that occurs during cell division when chromosomes fail to separate properly. This can result in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the daughter cells, leading to genetic disorders such as Down syndrome.

Albinos have the same number of what as non-albinos?

Albinos have the same number of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment), but they produce less or no melanin, resulting in lighter or absent pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes compared to non-albinos.

How many chromosomes will thee be after fertilization?

well since I'm a major in biology and i have directed many things, i have found out that there will only be 21 after fertilization. See, chromosomes will start separating and a few will go to the fertilization process. that is how there is less than they usually have.

Why is it important for egg cells to only have 18 chromosomes?

It is important for egg cells to have only 18 chromosomes because during fertilization, the egg cell will combine with a sperm cell, which also carries 18 chromosomes. This ensures that when the two cells fuse, the resulting embryo will have a total of 46 chromosomes, the normal number for a human.

Could a human end up with special ability if they had more chromosomes than normal?

Having extra chromosomes in humans can result in genetic disorders, but it is unlikely to lead to the development of special abilities. Most genetic conditions associated with extra chromosomes come with a range of physical and intellectual disabilities rather than special abilities. The expression of genes on extra chromosomes typically disrupts normal physiological functions rather than enhancing them.

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What does a nondisjunction involve?

A nondisjunction is a genetic error that occurs during cell division when chromosomes fail to separate properly. This can result in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the daughter cells, leading to genetic disorders such as Down syndrome.

What is a genetic condition that can result when chromosomes don't separate correctly during meiosis?

Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome), Turner's syndrome (XO), and Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) are a few examples of genetic disorders that can result when chromosomes don't separate correctly during meiosis.

Which is the most common sex linked genetic disorder?

Red-Green color blindness, or hemophilia.

What happens if a human has too many or too few chromosomes?

It depends on which chromosomes were present as to what the abnormality would be, if any. If they were missing one or had one extra there would be developmental abnormalities.

What happens if an organism has too many or too few chromosomes?

If an organism has too many chromosomes (polyploidy), it can disrupt normal development and lead to genetic disorders or even be fatal. If an organism has too few chromosomes (aneuploidy), it can also cause developmental abnormalities, reproductive issues, and health problems. Both situations can lead to infertility or decreased viability of the organism.

What is a genetic disorder caused by gene?

There are so many genetic disorder caused by sex linked to name few; Auto Immune disorder, Hemophilia, Night Blindness etc.

How can nondisjuncton result in an individual having an extra chromosome what is this called?

Nondisjunction is a type of chromosomal abnormality where chromosomes fail to separate properly during cell division, leading to cells with an extra chromosome (trisomy) or missing a chromosome (monosomy). When an individual has an extra chromosome, it is called trisomy, such as trisomy 21 in the case of Down syndrome.

Albinos have the same number of what as non-albinos?

Albinos have the same number of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment), but they produce less or no melanin, resulting in lighter or absent pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes compared to non-albinos.

How many chromosomes will thee be after fertilization?

well since I'm a major in biology and i have directed many things, i have found out that there will only be 21 after fertilization. See, chromosomes will start separating and a few will go to the fertilization process. that is how there is less than they usually have.

What is a genetic disorder caused by sex linked gene?

There are so many genetic disorder caused by sex linked to name few; Auto Immune disorder, Hemophilia, Night Blindness etc.