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Q: Does decrease in concentration of NaOH affect on analysis?
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Why normality of naoh is decrease?

The normality of NaOH can decrease if it undergoes dilution with water or if some of the NaOH molecules react with other substances in the solution, thereby reducing the concentration of the NaOH. Additionally, any impurities in the NaOH solution can also affect its normality.

When NaH is added to water the hydroxide concentration increases what can you include about NaOH?

NaOH is formed when NaH reacts with water. NaOH is a strong base that increases the hydroxide ion concentration in the solution. This increase in hydroxide ions leads to higher pH levels in the solution.

How does failing to rinse down the unknown acid solution from the inside wall of the flask near the end of the titration affect concentration of NaoH?

Failing to rinse down the unknown acid solution from the inside wall of the flask near the end of the titration can lead to a false indication of excess NaOH titrant. This can result in an inaccurate calculation of the concentration of NaOH in the solution, leading to a higher reported concentration. Inaccurate rinsing can also affect the consistency and reproducibility of experimental results.

What is the effect of dilution on the pH of NaOH?

Dilution of NaOH will result in a decrease in pH. This is because as NaOH is diluted, the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) decreases, leading to a decrease in alkalinity and an increase in acidity, resulting in a lower pH.

What volume of NaOH was used in the titration?

To determine the volume of NaOH used in the titration, you need to know the concentration of the NaOH solution and the volume required to reach the endpoint. Use the formula: volume NaOH (L) = volume HCl (L) * concentration HCl / concentration NaOH.

When NaOH is diluted to half of its original concentration what affect does this have on titration?

If NaOH is diluted to half of its original concentration, this would mean that the molarity has also been halved. During titration, this would result in requiring twice the volume of the diluted NaOH solution to reach the endpoint compared to the original concentration.

Does HCl change in concentration when neutralized with NaOH?

Yes, when HCl is neutralized with NaOH, the concentration of HCl decreases as it reacts with NaOH to form water and NaCl. The concentration of the resulting NaCl solution will increase as the reaction progresses.

What is the concentration of 26 baume NaOH?

A 26 Baume NaOH solution has a concentration of approximately 30.9% NaOH by weight. The Baume scale is used to measure the density of a solution, with 26 Baume corresponding to this specific concentration of sodium hydroxide.

A solution is prepared by mixing 360.0 mL of 0.25 M NaOH with 140.0 mL of 0.50 M NaOH and the final concentration is?

The concentration is 12,8 g/L NaOH.

Why is it necessary to standardize the NaOH solution before titration?

Standardizing the NaOH solution before titration is important to accurately determine its actual concentration. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the titration results by eliminating any discrepancies that may arise from variations in the concentration of the NaOH solution.

What are the function of NaOH in the experiment of determination of solute concentration in solution using spectrophotometer?

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used in this experiment to adjust the pH of the solution to a suitable range for spectrophotometric analysis. It helps stabilize the color of the indicator used and ensures that the absorbance measurements are accurate and reproducible. Additionally, NaOH can help solubilize the solute of interest and prevent any precipitation that may interfere with the analysis.

How do you calculate of NaOH in solution procedure?

To calculate the concentration of NaOH in a solution, you would typically measure the volume of the solution and the amount of NaOH used to prepare it. Then, you can use the formula: Concentration (in mol/L) = amount of NaOH (in mol) / volume of solution (in L) to determine the concentration. Make sure to convert any given amount of NaOH from grams to moles before calculating.