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Highly concentrated amounts of alcohol (70% and higher) can kill bacteria by damaging the plasma membrane and denaturing proteins within the cell.

Gram-negative bacteria are more vulnerable to alcohol because they contain a thin peptidoglycan cell wall covered by an outer membrane. The outer membrane controls the passage of substances into and out of the cell. Alcohol dissolves the outer membrane. This allows substances that are normally blocked by the membrane to easily enter the cell through the thin peptidoglycan cell wall. In addition, cell contents leak out of the cell through the cell wall.

Gram-positive cells lack outer membranes and rely solely on thick peptidoglycan cell walls to protect them from the environment but can still be killed by alcohol.

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4mo ago

Alcohol can help kill bacteria in the throat, but it can also irritate the throat lining. It is generally not recommended to consume alcohol when experiencing a sore throat. Instead, it is better to rest, stay hydrated, and use throat lozenges or warm salt water gargles for relief.

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10y ago

Isopropyl alcohol kills bacteria because it penetrates the skin cell membranes to denature the protein that is inside bacteria. Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, also can kill fungi and viruses.

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10y ago

Drinking alcohol will kill some bacteria if you have a sore throat. It is not going to completely kill all of the bacteria though.

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Why should you gargel with salt-water when you have sore throht?

Gargling with salt water can help reduce inflammation and kill bacteria in the throat, providing some relief from a sore throat. The salt helps to draw out excess fluid and reduce swelling, while creating an environment that is less favorable for bacteria to thrive.

When bacteria invades your body what kind of relationship is between you and sore throat?

Most sore throats are caused by viruses - which is why taking antibiotics like penicillin is a complete waste of time, and can often make the condition worse. If it is bacterial, it could be a staphlococcus or a streptococcus. In the old days diptheria used to give you a pretty nasty sore throat, before it killed you. If you want numbers, think in hundreds of thousands of bacteria in the mouth and throat - all the time, but not always the bad ones, fortunately. Some sore throats are not due to infection at all, but some form of glandular inflammation, or mechanical irritation. as many as the doctors and scientist say

Is a crushed aspirin better than salt water gargle for sore throat?

Both crushed aspirin and salt water gargle can help alleviate a sore throat. Aspirin contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce pain and inflammation, while salt water gargle can help reduce swelling and kill bacteria in the throat. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment for your sore throat.

What does pink on agar means?

Pink on agar can indicate the presence of certain bacteria, such as lactose-fermenting coliforms like E. coli. In some media, the pH indicator turns pink when bacteria metabolize lactose, producing acid as a byproduct. This can help in distinguishing different microorganisms based on their metabolic capabilities.

Is a cold sore caused by a bacteria?

A cold sore is caused by a virus.

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Why antibiotics wont help a viral sore throat or a common cold?

Antibiotics kill bacteria. They do not kill viruses.

Can you spread a sore throat by clearing your throat?

No, clearing your throat cannot spread a sore throat to others. Sore throats are typically caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted through close contact or airborne droplets. Simply clearing your throat does not release enough of the virus or bacteria to spread the infection.

What are the symptoms of a Valium alcohol overdose?

nausea sore throat

Can you spread a sore throat by sharing food or drink?

When a sore throat is caused by a virus or a bacteria, sharing food or drink can spread it to others.

Bacteria made throat sore?

Bacteria are a very common cause of sore throats. That's why its so important to brush your teeth, if you don't, you swallow all the bacteria in your mouth, allowing them to grow in your throat,but I'm IMMUNE

Do cookies cause sore throats?

No, but if they have a rough texture or ingredients that can irritate your throat then it's possible to have a sore throat for a day or two. Viruses or bacteria more commonly cause sore throats.

How does iodine cure a sore throat?

I have never heard of usin iodine to cure a sore throat, but iodine is an anti-infectant, in other words, it kills germs. Despite the fact that the cold is caused by a virus, a sore throat is often caused by bacteria, and so killing them will get rid of the sore throat. However, if you stop the iodine before they are all dead, your sore throat will get worse.

Why is it important to know whether your sore throat is cause by a virus or bacteria?

You have to know the cause to know how to treat it. There are specific treatments that kill bacteria, and others that block the activity of viruses. Practically none of them work against BOTH viruses and bacteria.

Why do you get a sore throat.?

Your throat (and tonsils if you still have them) are a 'safety net' - catching viruses and other bugs that would make their way into your lungs. The inflammation in a sore throat is simply the body's defences fighting the infection.

Can a retainer make your throat sore?

Yes, but only if you aren't cleaning it properly. The reason for the sore throat, (especially after sleeping) is because the bacteria that latches onto the retainer stays if not properly cleaned and can go down into your throat along with your saliva, thereby irritating it which causes the sore throat.

What cold medicine is great for sore throat?

A sore throat may be more than just one of the symptoms of a cold. It could be from a bacterial infection and possibly caused by a more aggressive strep bacteria. Any sore throat of unkown origin should be evaluated by a health professional.

What does strepticocci do to you?

Well, streptococcus Luteus is the bacteria that gives one a sore throat! From this I would guess it gives you a bad throat??