I believe that basil has more of a ball root - very fibrous as opposed to a tap root -like a thistle. Tap roots have the ability to reach deep down in the earth to draw moisture and nutrients and are hard to pull up. Basil is normally a short lived plant and requires frequent watering (in the summer)
They are tap root
fiberousEdited answer:Balsam being a dicot plant has tap root system
tap root system
POTATOES basically have a tap root system
Tap root system
They are tap root
Strawberry plants have a shallow root system that spreads horizontally near the surface of the soil. This type of root system allows them to access water and nutrients efficiently, making them well-suited for their growth in containers or garden beds.
fiberousEdited answer:Balsam being a dicot plant has tap root system
tap root system
fibrous root Bean is a leguminous plant hence it has tap root system
tap root system
Tap root and fibrous root are two systems. Tap root system is prevalent in dicots and fibrous root system in monocots.
tap root system
Sunflowers have a taproot system. The primary root grows straight down, with lateral roots branching off from it. This taproot system helps the sunflower plant anchor itself securely in the soil and reach moisture and nutrients deep within the ground.
Tap root.
tap root system