Yes, "carbon dioxide" should be capitalized in a sentence as it is a proper noun.
yes you do because you capalatise nouns nouns are things people ANIMALS Actually, you would not capitalize a common noun, such as an animal. If you were saying, for example, "I came across a lynx on the Mt. Chimmons trail." You would not capitalize lynx; however, if you are using its scientific name, Lynx canadensis, then you capitalize the genus name and you do not capitalize the species name. More examples, do not capitalize: beagle, dog, cat, black ferret, black bear, etc. If you are writing a pets name, like Snoopy, then you would capital the name because that is a proper noun. I hope that is clear and concise.
To write a species name in binomial nomenclature, you should italicize it and capitalize the genus name. For example, Homo sapiens for humans. The genus name is always written first, followed by the species name.
The original name of the color blue is "blae" which came from the Old English word "bla" or "blaw."
well there are quite a few but i would prefer aqua or aquamarine
Yes. 'Sun' is its name and you capitalize it just as you capitalize anyone's name.
No, color names are generally not capitalized unless they are part of a proper noun, such as a specific brand or organization name. For example, "red sweater" would not be capitalized, but "Crimson Tide" would be.
If its a name.
You capitalize Apollo because it is a name.
No, but you capitalize the name of a biome.
Yes, you should capitalize the name of a feasibility study as it is a proper noun.
Yes, you capitalize "the" when it is part of a proper noun or title.
Always capitalize a proper name. Examples: James Brian United States of America California
Yes! Capitalize all proper nouns, including cities.
You capitalize it when it's part of a proper name, e.g. Treaty of Paris.
yes because you capitalize all names