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Mercury and Venus do, becoming crescents as they pass near us, between us and the Sun. The other planets do not show significant phases.

The phases of Venus were important in the development of the theory of the Solar System, because after they were discovered by Galileo, people realised that the gibbous phase could not be explained by the ancient Ptolemaic system.

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Q: Do the planets wax and wane in the night sky?
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The opposite of wax?

The opposite of to wax is to wane. Wax means to grow and wane means to diminish

How do you translate 'wax and wane' into French?

"To wax and wane" is literally "croître et décroître," but it could also be translated many other ways, depending on the context. Here are just a few other possibilities: grandir, pour ensuite diminuer; changer; évoluer; fluctuer. "Wax and wane" can also be a nominal phrase. Example: the wax and wane of power => les fluctuations du pouvoir.

What are some verbs that do with the moon?

wax and wane

Do you know any antonyms for the word wane?


What is a verb for moon?

rise set wax wane

What is a sentence using wane?

During the time at sea, the sailors saw the moon wax and wane three times.

Does the moon wane or wax first?

That completely depends on when you start watching it. The question is like asking: "Does it get light or dark outside first ?"

What makes the moon appear to wax and wane?

The revolving of the earth and the rotating of the moon.

Which term describes the relationship between wax and wane?


What is the opposite of wax?

The opposite of the archaic term "wax" (increase, as in size) is wane.The terms are still used to refer to the phases of the Moon, where a waxing moon is increasing in illuminated area, a waning moon is decreasing.

How long does it take the moon to wax?

It takes about two weeks for the moon to wax from a new moon to a full moon. During this time, the visible portion of the moon increases each night until it reaches full illumination.

What causes the moon to wax and wane when it is going from a crescent to full moon and back to a crescent?

It's the earth shadow