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Each of these countries has a different answer:

  • Philippines: Spanish is a heritage language, but not a native or official language
  • Guam: Spanish has no role; English is the language of the citizenry and the official language
  • Equatorial Guinea: Spanish is an official language and the native language of a minority; most people have a local Bantu language as their native language
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Q: Do the Philippines Guam and Equatorial Guinea have Spanish as their native language?
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What Country in Africa has Spanish as its main language?

Equatorial Guinea (La Guinea Equatorial)

Where in Africa is Spanish an an official language?

Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish is an official language, along with French and Portuguese.

In which African country is Spanish an official language?

Equatorial Guinea is the only African country where Spanish is an official language.

How do you spell Guinea Ecuatorial in Spanish?

Guinea Ecuatorial =Equatorial Guinea

What are the two spanish speaking countrys in Africa and Asia political?

The two Spanish-speaking countries in Africa are Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara. In Asia, there are no countries where Spanish is an official political language.

What was the former name of Equatorial Guinea?

The former name of Equatorial Guinea was Spanish Guinea.

Whose native language is Spanish?

People from Spain, most Latin American countries, and Equatorial Guinea have Spanish as their native language.

What spanish country in Africa?

Equatorial Guinea or Guinea Equatorial. They speak both Spanish and French, but the official is Spanish.

Is Spanish an official language in Africa?

Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish has official status.Guinea Ecuatorial (Equatorial Guinea). 5 local languages are spoken too in this country, but Spanish is the official language.

How many people speak Spanish in Equatorial Guinea?

About 67% of the population of Equatorial Guinea speaks Spanish.

What European country controlled Equatorial Guinea?

Equatorial Guinea was a Spanish colony.

What are the Spanish speaking countries of Africa?

Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish is an official language. Spanish is spoken alongside French and Portuguese in some former Spanish colonies on the continent, such as Western Sahara and parts of Morocco.