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snails drink water but not to much water or they will die, if they drink salt water it kills them because it dries up their insides! they also like a drop only a tiny drop of beer. snails paticarly like the rain.

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14y ago
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9mo ago

Snails do not drink milk. They primarily feed on plants, fruits, and vegetables, and they get their moisture from the food they eat and their environment. Milk is not part of a snail's natural diet.

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15y ago


I think the answer is yes. I have photos to prove it.
Contact me and I can send it to you.

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15y ago

Land snails eat grass and other green leaves. They also feed on decaying matter and decompose poo. These types of snails eat dinosaurs back in the period they where as big as a T-rex.

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12y ago

i think baby snails drink fish pee cuz its in the water and they can just swallow then drink the fish pee its kinda gross but im pretty sure thats what they drink

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15y ago

They eat plants

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