snails drink water but not to much water or they will die, if they drink salt water it kills them because it dries up their insides! they also like a drop only a tiny drop of beer. snails paticarly like the rain.
Mammals are the animals whose babies typically drink mother's milk. Examples include cows, dogs, cats, and humans.
juice,milk,water etc.
You ingest calcium in the food you eat and the milk you drink.
solute: milk or water solvent:sugar,soya beans, i hope this helps
My older sister normally drinks nonfat milk after she gets home from school.
Snails drink through their mouths.
yes snails do drink go on what do snails drink if you want to know what snails drink.
Garden snails do not drink salt water, but they will drink water. Garden snails will drink any water that crosses their path. Snails can not drink salt water because it dries out and shrivels up their skin.
That's bad Grammar. It's what do snails DRINK!
my garden snails like to eat water melon,cucumber,lettice,corrots and bananas.My snails like to drink water.
snails drink water and a drop maybe of beer
Skinks eat other skinks. Big Skinks eat the skinks that are smaller then the bigger skinks. They drink milk from cows as well. There main thing they eat is snails. How skinks catch snails: They first jump on the snail and stomp ot it to make it crushed. (they prefer snails crushed)
Yes, they drink milk.