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Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis in plants and by dissolving in water, especially on the surface of oceans. Plants inhale carbon dioxide

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3mo ago

Yes, plants do release a small amount of carbon dioxide at night through a process called respiration. However, during the day, they photosynthesize and produce oxygen as a byproduct. The overall effect is that plants are a net producer of oxygen.

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12y ago

Many plants exhale CO2 at night but there are exceptions also.

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Q: Do plants exhale carbon di oxide at night?
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What do plants take in during respiration?

Water is taken in and utilized by plants for photosynthesis.

What gases do you enhale and exhale?

we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon- di- oxide

What does the human exhale and inhale?

Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon di oxide.

Does a plant photosynthesise at night?

Plants donot photosynthesise at night because they do not have sunlight which is essential for it. So they release carbon-di-oxide at night.

Do you breathe in oxygen or carbon dioxide?

we breathe in air as a whole which contains both carbon Di-oxide and oxygen but we exhale out carbon Di-oxide and other usefulness gases

What is the gas taken in by aquatic plants?

Plants are very important in maintaining balance in our ecosystem. Carbon-di-oxide is very important for All plants including the aquatic type that take in carbon-di-oxide and release oxygen in the atmosphere. Carbon-di-oxide is very important for plants where as oxygen gas is crucial for human beings.

What do plants and animals breathe in during night?

At night animals breathe in Carbon Dioxide because plants reverse their gas exchanging pattern due to the disappearance of the sun. Plants will produce carbon dioxide from oxygen (O2) and glucose (C6H12O6) and the carbon dioxide inhaled will be changed in oxygen + carbon by fission. C6H12O6 + O2 = CO2 + extra atoms CO2/fission = O2 + extra C atom

What happens if plants don't have carbon dioxide?

Plant will not survive with out carbon bi oxide. You have only 0.04 percent carbon bi oxide in the air. Trees do not have an organ like lungs which can actively inhale the air. Still they thrive very well. I could never understood it. Now there are less of plants and more of carbon bi oxide. It is a great problem to the ecosystem.

Do plants provide animals with oxygen?

Plants do not provide oxygen directly to animals. Instead, plants release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Animals then use this oxygen for respiration, where they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a waste product, which plants can then use for photosynthesis. This creates a cycle where plants and animals rely on each other for the gases they require.

What is the use of oxygen in respiration in plants?

Plants respire for day and night like animals do. They produce carbon bi oxide, through out there respiration but this carbon bi oxide produced during day time is rapidly consumed by photosynthesis and so we can not note it's production. Respiration is essential for all cellular activity and as such biological oxidation process must go on to to give energy.

What is released by animals when they breathe AND is used by plants to make food?

carbon di oxide (CO2)

Which gas do the plants absorb?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide in their process to produce sugar and oxygen.