yes. but only idiots
actually only idiots respond with that nonsense. Yes...Volcano worship has existed since well before the Christian Era and continues in some portions of the world today, by more primitive tribal races. Some have even argued that Moses himself went up on a volcano when he received the 10 Commandments due to the passage stating that the people should stay back from the base of the mountain "...lest they be shot through like a firery arrow or stoned to death..." not to mention the visual effect added by the words. Volcanic lava has been, to some tribes and worshipers, the blood of the Earth. Fire of any sort has always been a bringer of death and rebirth, as seen on the islands of Hawaii. For this reason it has entranced many religions in it's land rejuvenating properties. Gods of many religions were thought to reside upon the mountain tops or on volcanoes, offering their benefits and punishments on their peoples. In the ancient Meso-American cultures volcano worship was a way of appeasing the Gods, primarily in the warm arid months of summer when the grasses and farmlands would have been susceptible to fire damage. All religions were like that with natural disasters. Remember...Science has come a LONG way in the past century or 2. Before that, religion was a way to explain why the earth quaked, thunder boomed, lightning struck, floods inundated alluvial plains, and even volcanoes erupting. We don't live with these superstitions as much anymore due to science. But they both science and religion say the same things. One with a mythical twist to it and the other of pure natural truth. Hope this helps!
In some cultures, people do worship volcanoes as gods or sacred entities. These beliefs often stem from the power and destructive force associated with volcanoes, leading some communities to honor them in rituals or ceremonies as a way to seek protection or appease their potential wrath.
people can get killed by volcanoes because if the lava hit you you'd burn to death because its so hot.
On average, volcanoes kill about 540 people a year worldwide. However, this number can vary significantly depending on the activity level of different volcanoes and the population density around them.
They run away.
You die!
Not very well...
Worship the devil. That simply. He will answer every question you have about volcanoes.
They don't the earth makes volcanoes
Yes. Many people live next to volcanoes.
Shintoism people worship at shrines I think
Narcissistic people worship themselves
you people think there are about 1000 volcanoes .
The people worship in a church.
they worship courage
No. Volcanoes are not alive. They do not eat. Volcanic eruptions, though, can kill people.
In similar places that people from other nations worship.
Yes, people who worship Satan are called Satanist.
The Jews do not worship ANY people. Worshipping people is a violation of Jewish law. Jews only worship God.