Like most birds it is possible for penguins to lay unfertilized eggs but it doesn't happen very often.
Penguins are birds. They have feathers and lay eggs.
in the ground
No, Japalura Splendida female dragons require a male to fertilize their eggs. They reproduce sexually, so unfertilized eggs will not develop into offspring.
Rockhopper penguins typically lay two eggs at a time, but usually only one chick survives to adulthood as the parents may not be able to provide enough food for both chicks.
Eggs don´t lay eggs. Some animals do lay unfertilized eggs though, many insect species are capable of it. Unfertilized eggs will become males most of the time, so if there are only females and eggs don´t get fertilized, males will enter the population automatically and the genetic diversity will go up once more.
Yes, chickens lay unfertilized eggs.
penguins eggs
yes if there is no male peacock to breed them they will still lay eggs and set on them
Once a decade usually or even a century! Just joking! They lay unfertilized eggs about 10 times in 2 years
Penguins are flightless birds that lay eggs.
Penguins lay eggs, they do not give birth to live young.
No penguins are not mammals. They lay eggs.
Little Penguins lay two eggs when they mate.Fairy penguins lay two eggs at a time, and might manage 2-3 clutches in one season..
Yes. Penguins lay two eggs per clutch, though the Emperor and King penguins lay only one.
Penguins lay eggs. Most penguins lay two eggs in a clutch, although the two largest species, the Emperor and the King penguins lay only one per season.
If an egg is unfertilized, then an embryo cannot form.Fertilized = an embryo can form.UNfertilized = an embryo cannot form, because the male (or lack thereof) did not contribute DNA to create life.
No. Penguins lay eggs, on land.