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8mo ago

No, lotus flowers grow separately from lily pads. Lotus flowers emerge from the water on tall stems, while lily pads float on the surface of the water and are part of the plant structure of water lilies.

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Q: Do lotus flowers grow on lily pads?
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What are some things that can grow in water?

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What kinds of plants live in rivers?

lily pads algae water plants lotus

How do pond plants grow?

lily pads

In which season does a lotus flower grow?

In in murkey water on lillie pads. Mostly warmer climates.They are really beautiful and are used in many religions as a sign of peace, such as Buddism and Hinduism. They are also used in many Greek myths.

How do you make artificial lily pads?

Artificial lily pads can be handmade using materials like foam or paper, shaped and painted to resemble real lily pads. Alternatively, you can purchase artificial lily pads from craft stores or online retailers that specialize in artificial flowers and plants.

Are lily pads and water lily are the same?

No, lily pads and water lilies are not the same. Lily pads are the large, flat leaves that float on the surface of the water, while water lilies are the beautiful flowers that bloom on long stalks above the water. Water lilies are attached to the bottom of the pond, whereas lily pads float on the surface.

What types of flowers live in ponds and lakes?

cat tails, lily pads,

What are plant that lives under water?

Yes they can. There are many species of underwater plants. Seaweed or lily-pads for example. Both of them live mostly underwater, but can interact with the surface. Lily-pads do have flowers that break the surface for pollination. The pads are close to the surface for photosynthesis. Seaweed also tends to grow close to the surface, where there is more light.

Are lily pads seeds?

No, lily pads are not seeds. They are actually the leaves of water lilies, aquatic plants that float on the surface of the water. Lily pads are a crucial part of the water lily's life cycle, providing a platform for the plant to grow and reproduce.

Do lily pads produce flowers?

Yes, a water-lily is a producer. All plants are producers, so, therefore a water lily is a producer.

Where does flower grow?

Near Lily Pads, Sometimes in Warmer Climates, like is USA.

Are lily pads endangered?

i am not sure if lily pads are endangered.