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Yes, they do.

Different gases have different weight. It is because atoms of different gases have different Atomic Mass. It can be understood by the following example.

For example, there are two balloons (A and B) of equal capacity. Fill balloon A with 30,000 atoms of hydrogen and balloon B with 30,000 atoms of chlorine. Thus, balloon A is filled with hydrogen gas and balloon B with chlorine gas.

Now, calculate its mass:

Balloon A :

30,000 x 1 = 30,000 amu.

Balloon B :

30,000 x 35.5 = 1,065,000 amu.

Whereas, 30,000 is the number of atoms; 1 is the atomic mass of hydrogen atom; and 35.5 is the mass of chlorine atom. amu is used for atomic mass unit.

From the above mentioned we can assume that different gases have different weight.

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4mo ago

Yes, the weight of a gas is determined by its density, which is related to its molecular mass. Heavier gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), will weigh more than lighter gases like helium (He) and hydrogen (H2).

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