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The addition of molecular evidence supported the hypothesis made earlier based on structural evidence. Molecular evidence provides additional data that can confirm or strengthen hypotheses that are based on structural evidence.

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Q: Did the addition of molecular evidence support or refute the hypothesis that you made earlier based on structural evidence only?
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What is a scientific definition for evidence?


When the evidence in a scientific experiment does not support the hypothesis what should the scientist do?

If the evidence does not support the hypothesis, the scientist should reconsider and revise the hypothesis. They may need to conduct further experiments, analyze the data more thoroughly, or explore alternative explanations to refine their hypothesis and design better experiments. It is essential to remain open-minded and objective in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

Is a scientist hypothesis accepted if there is no way to prove that they hypothesis is wrong?

No, a hypothesis in science is not accepted simply because it cannot be proven wrong. For a hypothesis to be accepted, it should be tested through experiments or observations that can potentially disprove it. This process helps ensure that the hypothesis is supported by evidence and is not simply a matter of lack of contrary evidence.

What is the test for whether a hypothesis is scientific?

A scientific hypothesis is testable, falsifiable, and based on observable evidence. It can be validated or invalidated through empirical evidence and experimentation. If a hypothesis meets these criteria, it is considered scientific.

Is the big bang a theory or a hypothesis?

The Big Bang is a theory in cosmology that explains the origin and evolution of the universe, supported by a significant amount of observational evidence. It is not a hypothesis, as a hypothesis is an initial explanation to be tested and either supported or rejected based on evidence.

Related questions

What evidence supports his hypothesis?

The hypothesis is supported by data from previous research studies, observational data, and controlled experiments. This data may include statistical analyses, graphs, tables, findings from literature reviews, and expert opinions. Additionally, the hypothesis may be supported by correlations, significant p-values, and reproducible results from multiple studies.

What is molecular evidence or a DNA sequence?

Molecular evidence refers to data obtained from the study of molecules such as DNA, RNA, or proteins. A DNA sequence is the order of nucleotides (A, T, C, G) that make up an organism's genetic code. By analyzing DNA sequences, researchers can gain insights into evolutionary relationships, genetic mutations, and other biological processes.

What evidence would you expect if your hypothesis was true?

The evidence that made you come to that conclusion. Remember that a hypothesis is an educated guess

What kind of molecular evidence supports evolution?

DNA and protein sequence similarities among different species provide strong molecular evidence for evolution. Mutations in DNA that accumulate over time can be used to construct phylogenetic trees, showing the relatedness between different species. Comparative genomics also reveals shared genetic elements and patterns of gene expression that support the concept of common ancestry.

How does a hypothesis become a scientific hypothesis?

when there s proof to back it up with evidence or an experiment to test the hypothesis

What is a scientific definition for evidence?


When the evidence in a scientific experiment does not support the hypothesis what should the scientist do?

If the evidence does not support the hypothesis, the scientist should reconsider and revise the hypothesis. They may need to conduct further experiments, analyze the data more thoroughly, or explore alternative explanations to refine their hypothesis and design better experiments. It is essential to remain open-minded and objective in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

What is a statement that does not have experimental evidence to support it?


What is a supporting hypothesis?

A well-supported hypothesis is a theory that appears to have a lot of evidence behind it. This evidence helps to make it seem likely that the hypothesis is true, but it is still just a theory until it has been proven.

How is it easy to support a hypothesis? all depends on the hypothesis. For example, if you know exactly how to back it up with evidence, than very easy. But...if your hypothesis is kind of 'far out', and finding evidence will be difficult, then writing it will be hard.

What are 2 types of evidence that suggest that evolution has occured?

Accept fossil evidence, anatomical evidence, molecular evidence

This hypothesis is supported by evidence from the record?

The hypothesis is supported by evidence from the record, indicating a strong correlation between the variables being studied. The data collected aligns with the predictions made by the hypothesis, providing empirical support for its validity. Further analysis and testing may be necessary to confirm the hypothesis and establish its significance.