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No. But He Was The First Person To Fly Faster Than The Speed Of Sound.

ANSWER: He was a test pilot so respected and revered within the air force, the younger recruits felt there was no hope of ever getting the same opportunity to shine, and many opted for the astronaut program as a short-cut to Chuck Yeager like fame.

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16y ago
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14y ago

General Yeager only officially had a high school education and to be an astronaut, you had to have a college education. All the schools Gen Yeager attended in the Air Force - now give out Masters and PhDs today.

The irony was Gen Yeager was good enough to be head of the school that taught the first astronauts - AARPS - but didn't have the piece of paper to be an astronaut.

Further Gen Yeager really didn't want to be spam in a can. He liked actually flying too much.

Most say General Yeager, having flown to about 110,000 feet, is an astronaut but the world countries got together and arbitrarily said 50 miles is space - mainly for security reasons.

It's a shame President Johnson took space research away from the Air Force - had they continued with the X-15 and further advances from that point, we'd probably be more advanced re space and technology today.

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13y ago

Many say that General Chuck Yeager did go into space at 118,000 feet. However for security reasons, the international community agreed 50 miles was space so based on this arbitrary number, some say officially he did not. Without his feats, no one would have been able to go 12 miles into space, let alone 50, let alone to the moon.

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13y ago

No. Yeager never flew above the unofficial boundary of "space", which the US Air Force sets at 50 miles. He was a fighter pilot in WWII, and a very successful test pilot for the Air Force. He is the person officially credited with "breaking the sound barrier" in the X-1 rocket plane. Others claimed to have done it earlier, by placing their aircraft into a steep dive, but their claims were undocumented and never very creditable, and Yeager is certainly the first person to have broken the sound barrier in level flight.

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3mo ago

Chuck Yeager did not go up in space. He was a test pilot and the first pilot to break the sound barrier in 1947, but he did not go to space.

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Did Chuck Yeager go into outer space?

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