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it is apart of science!

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Kellen Bednar

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Deposition is part of the geological process of erosion and sedimentation. It involves the laying down of sediment, rock particles, or mineral grains that have been transported and deposited by water, wind, or ice.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Deposition, in terms of the water cycle, is when water changes phase from vapor to solid without becoming liquid. It's certainly a part of the water cycle, albiet not one that's seen quite as often as condensation, freezing, etc.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

When a rock is eroded the particles have to go somewhere. After they are moved (by wind, water, etc.) they will eventually be deposited. These deposited particles are then subject to being eroded again.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes it is condensation or rain are part of the water cycle.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

sedimentary rock formation

it is part of the rock cycle

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Seriously? H2O Hydrogen Oxygen

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βˆ™ 8y ago

is groundwater a part of the water cycle

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Related questions

When does deposition occur during the overall erosion process?

The process of erosion (removal of material) is not the same as the process of deposition (the adding of material). As they are two separate processes, deposition is not a part of the overall erosion process. However, without eroded sediments, there would be nothing to deposit, the two processes are therefore sequential (and part of the overall encompassing rock cycle processes).

How is deposition a part of the erosion process?

Deposition is the process by which eroded sediment is dropped or settled in a new location. It often occurs after erosion has transported sediment away from its source. Deposition contributes to shaping landscapes by forming features like beaches, deltas, and alluvial plains.

Which state of matter is not part of the process of sublimation?

Sublimation and Deposition are phases changes that are between gases and solids. This leaves the intermediate step of liquid not part of the process. Sublimation- Solid to Gas Deposition- Gas to Solid

Process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it?

The process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it is called sedimentation. Sedimentation occurs when the velocity of the fluid (water or wind) decreases, allowing the sediment particles to fall out of suspension and accumulate on the surface below. This process is a natural part of erosion and deposition in the Earth's geologic cycle.

What is the dropping or settling of eroded materials?

The dropping or settling of eroded materials is called deposition. This process occurs when the energy of the transporting agent (such as water or wind) decreases, causing it to drop the sediment it was carrying and build up sedimentary layers in new locations.

The agents of erosion lay down sediment in a new location in process called?

deposition. its easy to remember because its positionwith a de- in front.

What is deposition in science?

Deposition in science refers to the phase transition where a gas transforms directly into a solid without passing through the liquid phase. This process occurs when the temperature of a gas is lowered below its sublimation point. Examples include frost forming on a cold surface or snowflakes forming from water vapor in the atmosphere.

How the deposition formed?

Deposition is the process where matter changes from a gas to a solid. This occurs during cooling. When referrring the deposition as a weather process, water vapor forms into ice.

What is collagen deposition?

Collagen deposition is the process by which collagen fibers are laid down in tissues as part of the wound healing process or to help repair and strengthen tissues. Collagen is a key component of connective tissues and is essential for providing structure and support to the body.

What is the process that directly cause deltas to form?

Deltas form when sediment carried by a river is deposited at the river mouth, where the velocity of the river slows down due to meeting a body of water with lower velocity, such as a sea or lake. The sediment accumulates over time, building up and creating the characteristic fan-shaped landform called a delta.

How can deposition be constructive?

it can ruin a process

Are the process of erosion and deposition are the same?

No, erosion and deposition are two different processes. Erosion involves the movement of rock, soil, and sediment by wind, water, or ice, while deposition is the laying down of eroded material in a new location. Erosion creates sediment, which is then deposited elsewhere.