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My answer about heat is that heat is a form of energy which causes the sensation of hotness and coldness.And thermo dynamic is one of the characteristics resulting from the conversion of heat into other forms of energy.

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9mo ago

Heat is the transfer of energy between objects due to a temperature difference. Thermodynamics is the study of the relationships between heat, work, and energy, and how they affect the physical properties of matter. It encompasses principles such as the conservation of energy and the second law of thermodynamics.

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11y ago

what is heat and termodynamics and define its 5 applications

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Heat is a concept studied in the branch of physics known as thermodynamics. Thermodynamics deals with the relationships between heat, work, energy, and temperature.

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The study of heat is called thermodynamics.

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The study of converting heat into mechanical energy is called thermodynamics. It is a branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, work, and energy. Thermodynamics is essential for understanding and optimizing processes such as engines, refrigeration, and power generation.

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Mark Waldo Zemansky has written: 'Solutions manual to accompany Basic engineering thermodynamics' 'Heat and thermodynamics' -- subject(s): Thermodynamics, Heat

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The study of heat energy and its transformation is called thermodynamics. It involves the relationship between heat, work, and energy, and how they are transferred or converted in various systems. Thermodynamics is essential in understanding processes such as heat engines, refrigeration, and chemical reactions.

What is a themodyamics?

I think you mean "thermodynamics" -- which is the study of heat and how it changes. Literally, thermo means "heat" and dynamics means motion -- so thermodynamics literally means "heat motion." You can't literally see heat move so thermodynamics is really the study of how heat can change into energy and can generate power.

What is the branch of physics that studies heat and how it is tranfered?

The branch of physics that studies heat and how it is transferred is called thermodynamics. Thermodynamics deals with the relationship between heat, work, and energy. It also explores concepts such as temperature, entropy, and heat transfer mechanisms like conduction, convection, and radiation.

Which law of thermodynamics states that the heat engine cannot be completely efficient?


In which direction does heat move?

Heat moves from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature, following the principle of thermodynamics known as the second law of thermodynamics.