The mRNA will have codons AUG-CCA-GUA-GGC-CAC
For a DNA strand having the code, "aac tae ggt" the corresponding rna strand would be: "UUG AU? CCA". There is no "e" pyridine, so I do not know what would pair with "e." In DNA, the purines are Adenine and Guanine, and the pairing pyrimidines are Cytosine and Thymine, respectively. Thus, in DNA, A pairs with T and G pairs with C. In rna, the pyrimidines are again Adenine and Guanine, but the pairing pyrimidines are Uracil and Cytosine respectively. In rna, A pairs with U and G pairs with C
The base sequence of mRnas is 'determined by the base sequence of nucleotides in Dna.' The base sequence is transformed into information via the triplet codons of The Genetic Code.
The mRNA base sequence for ATT is UAA. In mRNA, adenine (A) pairs with uracil (U) and thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U).
The base sequence for the mRNA start codon is AUG. It codes for the amino acid methionine and signals the initiation of protein synthesis.
The mRNA sequence generated from the DNA strand tgacgca would be acugcgu. This is because mRNA is complementary to the DNA template strand, so DNA base T pairs with mRNA base A, DNA base G pairs with mRNA base C, DNA base A pairs with mRNA base U, and DNA base C pairs with mRNA base G.
The base sequence of cDNA is complementary to the mRNA molecule from which it is synthesized. This means that the cDNA will have the same sequence as the mRNA, except that thymine in DNA is replaced with uracil in RNA.
The mRNA will have codons AUG-CCA-GUA-GGC-CAC
For a DNA strand having the code, "aac tae ggt" the corresponding rna strand would be: "UUG AU? CCA". There is no "e" pyridine, so I do not know what would pair with "e." In DNA, the purines are Adenine and Guanine, and the pairing pyrimidines are Cytosine and Thymine, respectively. Thus, in DNA, A pairs with T and G pairs with C. In rna, the pyrimidines are again Adenine and Guanine, but the pairing pyrimidines are Uracil and Cytosine respectively. In rna, A pairs with U and G pairs with C
The base sequence of mRnas is 'determined by the base sequence of nucleotides in Dna.' The base sequence is transformed into information via the triplet codons of The Genetic Code.
The mRNA base sequence for ATT is UAA. In mRNA, adenine (A) pairs with uracil (U) and thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U).
The mRNA sequence transcribed from the given DNA sequence is AGC CUG GUA GCU. The DNA base T pairs with A in mRNA, C pairs with G, G pairs with C, and A pairs with U.
The base sequence for the mRNA start codon is AUG. It codes for the amino acid methionine and signals the initiation of protein synthesis.
The DNA segment complementary to the mRNA sequence "UGAUUC" would be "ACTAAG". This is because in DNA, adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. Thus, the complementary DNA sequence of the mRNA sequence is determined by replacing each base with its complementary base.
The corresponding mRNA sequence to ATGCCCTAAGTG is UACGGGAUUCA. Remember to use the complementary RNA base pairs: A-U, T-A, G-C, and C-G.
The mRNA base sequence ATC is a codon, specifically for the amino acid Isoleucine.
During protein synthesis, DNA serves as a template for mRNA to be transcribed. The mRNA base pairs with the complementary DNA strand, forming a sequence that codes for specific amino acids. This mRNA sequence is then translated by ribosomes to assemble the corresponding protein.