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is a natural fertilizer that helps plants grow............:-)

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1mo ago

helps improve soil structure, retain moisture, and provide essential nutrients for plants to grow. Compost also promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms that contribute to soil health and fertility. Overall, incorporating compost into soil can enhance its overall health and productivity.

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Q: Compost helps preserve the health of soil because it?
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Why do fungi and bacteria cause rotting to compost?

Fungi and bacteria break down organic matter in compost through a process called decomposition, releasing nutrients that plants can use. They thrive in the moist, oxygen-rich environment of compost piles, breaking down complex organic compounds into simpler forms. This breakdown process helps to transform the organic material into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

What is a mixture of dead organic material that can be used as fertilizer?

Compost, leaf mould, manure, composted manure etc

How does chemistry help in improving health?

It helps because you use it in all kinds of medicines like penicillin which is important in health today.

Why does it help or not help save soil?

Crop rotation helps save soil by reducing the depletion of specific nutrients and minimizing soil erosion. Intensive monoculture, on the other hand, can deplete soil nutrients and increase erosion, leading to soil degradation. Additionally, practices like cover cropping and no-till farming can also help preserve soil health by promoting organic matter and reducing erosion.

Why is it important to preserve farmland?

Preserving farmland is important to ensure food security, protect biodiversity, and support local economies. Farmland provides the necessary space for agriculture, which is essential for producing food and other crops. Preserving farmland also helps maintain ecosystem services, like soil health and water filtration, and can contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.

Related questions

What Compost helps preserve the health of soil because it .?

Compost helps preserve soil health by improving soil structure, increasing water retention, providing essential nutrients to plants, and promoting beneficial microbial activity. Over time, compost also helps reduce soil erosion and suppress plant diseases.

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Yes because it helps the blood health. Yes because it helps the blood health. Yes because it helps the blood health. Yes because it helps the blood health. Yes because it helps the blood health.

Why do you have to put your compost bin in sunlight?

A compost bin does not have to be put in sunlight. Shade helps the bin preserve proper air, heat and moisture levels for the breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables to take place. Sunlight may heat warmed-up compost to the point that the bin's contents catch fire.

What is a good sentence for compost?

Compost helps plants grow.

Why is earthworm a farmer's friend?

because it helps the dirt/compost stay healthy or ' nice '

What is composting and how is this uesful to farmar?

farmer use compost because it helps their plants grow

Do worms eat the bark off trees?

yes they do because it helps to compost for the plants

Why are baths important to take?

They're not, but some form of total body cleaning helps preserve health.

How does compost help preserve soil?

It is a natural fertilizer!

Why is compost good for plants?

Compost provides a lot of benefits. It adds nutrients and beneficial microbes, and improves plant growth. It also helps reduce the need to water your plants because it helps the soil to retain water.

Why would you add insects to a compost pile?

Because the waste they produce helps the plants grow stronger

What fertilizer is made from decaying table scraps and dead plants?

Compost is the fertilizer made from decaying table scraps and dead plants. It is a natural and nutrient-rich soil amendment that helps improve soil health and boost plant growth.