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The same.

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6d ago

The velocity of visible light waves is the same as the velocity of radio waves in a vacuum, both traveling at the speed of light (approximately 299,792 kilometers per second).

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Q: Compared to the velocity of radio waves the velocity of visible light waves is?
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Related questions

What wave has the greater wavelength?

A radio wave has a greater wavelength compared to a visible light wave.

Does visible light have high or low energy?

Visible light has moderate energy compared to other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It falls within the range of wavelengths that are visible to the human eye, with shorter wavelengths of visible light corresponding to higher energy levels.

Is the greater the wavelength the deeper the penetration?

Yes, longer wavelengths like radio waves penetrate deeper into materials compared to shorter wavelengths like visible light. This is why radio waves can travel through walls and other obstacles, while visible light cannot.

If you wanted a radio telescope to achieve the same angular resolution as a visible-light telescope it would need to be?

much larger in size because radio waves have longer wavelengths compared to visible light. A radio telescope would need a larger dish or antenna to achieve the same angular resolution as a visible-light telescope due to the longer wavelengths involved in radio astronomy.

What is the link between radio waves and visible light?

Both are electromagnetic waves travelling at a speed about 300,000 km in one second in free space or in air medium. But radio waves have longer wavelength compared to that of light waves.

Are X-ray and gamma radiations similar to visible light or radio waves except for their higher energies?

X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, and visible light are forms of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays are highest in energy compared to other electromagnetic radiations. Radio waves are least in energy in the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

Which has longest wavelength?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength compared to other types of electromagnetic waves such as microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Who have longer wavelengths visible light or radio waves?

Radio waves have longer wavelengths than visible light.

Do visible light waves have higher frequencies than radio waves?

Yes, visible light waves have higher frequencies than radio waves. Visible light waves fall within the range of frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum that is higher than radio waves.

Does visible light have a higher frequency then radio waves?

Yes, visible light has a higher frequency than radio waves. Visible light falls within the range of frequencies between infrared and ultraviolet light, while radio waves have much lower frequencies.

Can you study visible light using a radio telescope?


Is ultraviolet radiation longest wavelength?

No, ultraviolet radiation has shorter wavelengths compared to visible light and infrared radiation. The electromagnetic spectrum orders radiation from longest to shortest wavelength as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.