Exergonic vs. Endergonic reactions: exergonic release more energy than they absorb. Endergonic reactions absorb more energy than they release.
Exergonic reactions release energy while endergonic reactions absorb energy.
Exergonic reactions release energy, while endergonic reactions require energy input. Exergonic reactions tend to be spontaneous and release heat, while endergonic reactions are non-spontaneous and absorb heat. Both types of reactions are involved in cellular metabolism and are essential for biological processes.
To provide more specific feedback, I need to know which chemical reactions you are referring to. Once you provide that information, I can compare and contrast the two reactions for you.
Nunya 00
this is very hard to do dont try or ask aboutn it
They have different masses, electrical charge, dimensions, life time, spin etc.
Degradative reactions break down larger molecules into smaller ones, releasing energy in the process. Examples include hydrolysis and oxidation reactions. In contrast, biosynthetic reactions build larger molecules from smaller ones, requiring energy input. Examples include condensation and reduction reactions.
Compare and contrast it with what?
1. Compare 2. Contrast
compare is when you compare two things that are the same and contrast is when you compare two things that are different.
compare and contrast the lakes,wetland and rivers?
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The answer depends on what you wish to compare and contrast it with.
compare & contrast the similarities & differences of a relation & function
compare - contrast words:by the same tokenconverselyinsteadlikewiseon one handon the other handon the contraryrathersimilarlyyetbuthoweverstillneverthelessin contrast
compare and contrast nmirian and clare in sons and lovers