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Q: Category 5 hurricane are the most destructive ture or false?
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What is the ranking of the most destructive kind of hurricane?

The strongest and generally most destructive category of hurricane is category 5, though a hurricanes wind-speed based rating is not the only factor in how destructive a hurricane is.

What category for hurricanes are the most destructive?

The worst category of hurricane is a category 5, with winds of at least 156 mph.

What is the name of the most destructive hurricane of 2005?

Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane of 2005, causing widespread devastation along the Gulf Coast of the United States, particularly in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Category 5 hurricanes are the most destructive true or false?


Is a category 5 the least severe hurricane?

No a category 1 hurricane is the least sever in wind speed, and strength. A category 5 is the most powerful type of hurricane to date, reaching winds of up to 190 mph. But that does not mean that a category 5 is the most destructive, any hurricane can cause enough damage to kill thousands.

How does The category 5 hurricanes are the most destructive?

A category 5 is the strongest hurricane. Such a storm has the strongest winds and usually produces a very high storm surge.

What was the highest category strength of hurricane Andrew?

Not mild at all. Hurricane Andrew was once of the strongest hurricanes ever to make landfall in the United States; one of only three to strike as a category 5 storm. It was the most destructive hurricane in U.S. history prior to Hurricane Katrina.

What was the most destructive hurricane in the world?

the worst hurricane is hurricane Katrina

What category number is the most serve hurricane?

Category 5 is the most severe hurricane.

What category are hurricanes most destructive?

Category 5

Did hurricane sandy do more damage then Katrina?

No. Hurricane Katrina is still by far the most destructive hurricane in U.S. history and one of the deadliest. Hurricane Sandy is the second most destructive on record.

Is category 5 the most destructive?

It is hard to determine exactly. A bit of math first: Hurricane ratings are based on wind speed. The force exerted by a given wind is proportional to the square of the speed. Category 1 winds are 74 to 95 mph. Category 5 winds are 157 mph or greater with wind measured as high as 195 mph. A 157 mph wind carries about 4.5 times the force of a 74 mph wind. But destruction is more complicated than that. Most structures can withstand a 74 mph wind without suffering major damage, but not a 157 mph wind. Additionally, once destruction begins, debris adds to the destructive potential. Finally, it is water, not wind that usually causes the most destruction in a hurricane. A category 5 hurricane can cause more severe coastal flooding than a category 1. An article by the National Hurricane Center suggests that a category 5 hurricane has more than 100 times the destructive potential of a category 1.