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If both bulbs fit into the same socket I would presume this to be fine.

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1w ago

Yes, you can replace a 150 watt sodium bulb with a lower 70 watt sodium bulb. However, the lower wattage bulb may not produce as much light as the original 150 watt bulb, so you may experience a decrease in brightness. Make sure the 70 watt bulb is compatible with your fixture and follow all safety guidelines when replacing the bulb.

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Q: Can you replace a 150 watt sodium bulb and use a lower 70 watt sodium bulb?
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Yes, a 103 volt source will light a 60 watt light bulb. The relationship of the bulb's wattage output at a lower voltage, as to the normal voltage that the bulb is rated to operate on, the light output will be lower.

Do you need a ballast for a 250watt sodium bulb?

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Lumen output of a 250 watt high pressure sodium bulb?

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