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Liquid nitrogen is very expensive for this task.

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You could, but why would you want to?

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Q: Can you make Pykrete by freezing the water and sawdust mixture with liquid nitrogen?
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Can you eat pykrete?

If you enjoy the taste of sawdust, I don't see why not. Good luck biting into it, though.

Is there an ice cube that never melts?

There is no ice cube that never melts under normal conditions. However, there are materials like Pykrete, which is a mixture of sawdust and ice, that melt at a slower rate compared to regular ice cubes.

How can you make pykrete?

About 14% wood pulp (paper, sawdust e.t.c) to 86% water by mass. Put in a suitable container (one that alows the water mix to expand) and freeze. Simples

Why is pykrete stronger and harder than ice?

Pykrete is stronger and harder than ice because it is a composite material made by mixing ice with a small amount of wood pulp or other reinforcing material. The fibers in the pulp help distribute the stress more evenly throughout the material, making it more resistant to deformation and harder to break compared to pure ice.

What will freeze first water and sawdust or water?

Water will freeze first, as sawdust does not have a freezing point. The freezing point of water is 0°C (32°F), while sawdust does not freeze but can become solid if mixed with water.

What are chariots made out of?

a mixture of sawdust and saliva

Is sawdust a compound or a mixture?

Sawdust is a mixture, not a compound. It is composed of small wood particles and can vary in size and composition depending on the type of wood and how it is produced.

Is sawdust soluble in ethanol?

No, sawdust is not soluble in ethanol. Sawdust is insoluble in ethanol because it is a mixture of large particles of wood fibers that do not dissolve in the liquid.

Is sawdust an element?

No, sawdust is not an element. It is a mixture of tiny wood particles and other materials, such as bark and leaves, that are produced when cutting or sanding wood. Elements are substances made up of only one type of atom.

How do you separate sawdust from nails?

One way to separate sawdust from nails is by using a magnet to attract and remove the nails while leaving the sawdust behind. Another method is to use a sieve or strainer to filter out the nails from the sawdust by pouring the mixture through it. Alternatively, you can spread the mixture out and physically pick out the nails from the sawdust.

What are the chemicals that make up sawdust?

Sawdust is chemically the same as wood -- it has only undergone a physical change to grind it into small pieces. Just as wood, sawdust is composed of chemicals such as cellulose and lignin, along with water.

Is sawdust homogeneous or heterogeneous?

Sawdust is a heterogeneous mixture. It is made up of a variety of different size wood particles, which can vary in composition.