It is not recommended to set off fireworks in the rain as the moisture can affect the fuse and the way the fireworks ignite. Additionally, wet conditions can increase the risk of misfires, accidents, and potential injuries to those handling the fireworks. It is best to wait for dry weather to ensure safe and successful fireworks displays.
Sure you cam! Or else New Year's Eve's firework displays wouldn't be possible anywhere from USA to Brazil. You have snow in one place and rain in the other one...
Fireworks can be harmful to the environment and wildlife, as well as disruptive to people and pets with sensitivities to loud noises. Limiting or pausing the use of fireworks helps to reduce these negative impacts and promote a safer and more peaceful environment for all.
The main function of fireworks is for entertainment. Their are also other reasons for fireworks. On some large farms they are used to scare off animals that eat the crops. They can also be used to cause rain if they are filled with silver nitrate and shot into clouds.
I believe that you are thinking of the monsoon winds.
Whistle While Your Wife Works
Americans commonly refer to fireworks simply as "fireworks."
blow up
go to gotham city and put some fireworks down. then blow stuff up and become one of jokers henchman
they blow little mannequins filled with fireworks. Its cool!
Balloons bombs fireworks bubble gum doll
why the are rain blow carbons
Because teachers and staff are afraid that kids are going to blow up the school.
Friday, June 29 with Saturday, June 30 rain date.
Fireworks can be harmful to the environment and wildlife, as well as disruptive to people and pets with sensitivities to loud noises. Limiting or pausing the use of fireworks helps to reduce these negative impacts and promote a safer and more peaceful environment for all.
no it wont be
fire works can hurt people children are 11 times likely to get injured by fireworks
The main function of fireworks is for entertainment. Their are also other reasons for fireworks. On some large farms they are used to scare off animals that eat the crops. They can also be used to cause rain if they are filled with silver nitrate and shot into clouds.
it can produce energy and blow clouds full of rain to where it's needed